Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Great Report!

I have a great report for this week! Brother Masaque has accepted to be baptized on September 15th!!!! We will continue teaching him as he prepares to be baptized. So exciting!!! 

I went on exchanges with Elder Johnson. We taught a kind little girl named God's Gift and her recently converted grandpa. God's Gift is very interested in what we have to say! After Elder Johnson extended the invitation to church... She said she would go only if I was there. Haha I told her I was flattered and I would be there but... Friends shouldn't be the only reason you go to church. 

I love all our many investigators! I love my area! Since the mission covers the whole country and we have few missionaries... Each companionship has a very large area. Elder James and I have an area that appears to be much jungle but few civilization. Our area goes all the way to the borders of Sierra Leonne. One afternoon, Elder James and I found ourselves with fallen appointments, busy investigators, and no visible service opportunities. I suggested that we took the time we had and hike into the jungle in hopes to find people to teach. My companion agreed and we headed to what appeared to be... pure jungle. After a short hike we discovered a massive tribal village! It was indescribably beautiful with the white sand and palm trees! No garbage on the ground which is rare here. 

We met so many people and made lots of new contacts. Conveniently, the area is called New Look. As we walked around the village... Little kids began to follow us out of curiosity. 20 to 30 little children followed us around as we walked and talked to many kind people! It was amazing!!! I would've gotten a picture but I didn't want to be disrespectful. I am so excited to continue the Lord's work in New Look! 

Zwana and his friends are amazing!!! They love the message and have been studying the pamphlets cover to cover. They always have great questions to ask. Last night Zwana asked me, "How do I know this is the Lord's true church if every church claims to be true?" I replied, "Joseph Smith had a similar question! After faithfully inquiring of the Lord... He surely received an answer." I then encouraged him and his friends to do the same. 

I love this work so much! I am excited for my friends leaving in a few days to the Provo MTC! I love them and wish them the best! I love you all! Thanks for the prayers and kind emails! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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