Wednesday, August 1, 2018

1st Day in the MTC!!

1st Day in the MTC

I don't have much time to write while i'm at the MTC (Missionary training center) but i'll tell you a little bit of my first week out! I got set a part on the morning of the 18th. The same day I got on my first flight! Leaving my family was very hard to do and i'm glad it's over because I couldn't do it again. They all left me encouraging, loving, letters in my bag that comforted, and motivated me. Thank you. I love you all.

I flew from Boise to SLC and from at SLC I met up with 60 other missionaries going to Accra! It was insane!! The plane flight to Amsterdam was party central!! Especially because I was able to meet a lot of really great missionaries. One of them was named Elder Hamel from California. He already knew me because of my post on Instagram saying I'm going to Liberia which is where he was also called to serve! I was able to sit and talk with him the entire way to Amsterdam and Accra. We flew on the KLM Royal Dutch airline. It was very, very nice. The flight attendant knew it was my first day flying so at the end of the long flight she gave me a sweet letter wishing me luck on my mission. The flight was very long but I enjoyed every moment talking with Elder Hamel and the other Elders.

When we landed in Accra the amount of rushed disorganization was unreal!!! Luckily I was able to get my luggage, get through customs, and get out of the crazy airport. An MTC worker got me to my shuttle where the other very tired and shocked Elders were. The driver was going so fast and the other drivers were going even faster!! They ignored stop lights and traffic signs and passed other drivers without caution! People were in the street selling stuff and washing windows for money and nearly getting hit by cars! My mind was going insane! I'm surprised I made it to the MTC alive haha!

Once we got to the MTC I got checked in, got my name tag, my study books, I ate some food, and I got to meet President Allen and his wife! I also got my companion Elder Kamara! He is from Sierra Leone. He is 22 and was converted at age 18. I've been having trouble understanding him because his English is very bad. He is also super quiet and leaves me alone without saying anything. Its kinda stressful but besides that it's all good!

We were assigned to the "Moses" District! There is 10 elders and 2 sisters in our class. One of the sisters named Sister Nepay is the only person here from Monrovia Liberia! I've been asking her a lot of questions about the country. She says the bugs aren't that bad but if you aren't careful... They will eat you whole. She knows I'm scared of bugs and she likes to mess with me. Our district teachers are the best!! Every other district seems to hate their teachers but, my teachers are my favorite part of the MTC! Brother Walker and Mawusi! If you fall asleep in class Brother Walker will make you stand up for the rest of the hour. Thanks to my jet lag... I find myself standing in class more than sitting. I've got a pretty cool class. I get along with all my teachers and classmates.

My zone presidents are President Osafu, Gibbah, and Kyakye. They come and give us devotionals on Sundays and Thursdays. Very cool guys. I love hearing them speak! President Gibbah calls me Obroni. Which means... White man. Most of the time... I am the only Obroni around!

Lots of the Elders here (Like my companion) never got the chance to visit the temple. Since the Accra is just next door.. I got to go escort Elder Kamara through the temple for the first time. It was a great experience for me and my companion. The Accra temple is outstanding!!! The MTC is also very beautiful!

The food on the other hand... Is not so beautiful... I miss pizza more than I miss my family. (Kidding) We ALWAYS have chicken. Always. They just find multiple creative and disturbing ways of serving it! (Its not that bad it just looks scary)

We each have a sticker on our name tag. I have yellow meaning I'm English speaking English. Green means French speaking English. Blue means French speaking French and red means English speaking French.

I'm having a lot of fun here! I've got a lot more to tell you but I only get a short amount of time to write. (I wrote this on paper before I got on the computer)  I was also told I will not be going to New York before Liberia. Elder Hamel and I head to Liberia on the 7th of August with 5 other Elders.

I hope everything's great at home! It's great over here!! I love you all!!!!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

P.S. Sorry for the typos.. No time to correct

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