Monday, August 13, 2018


With Pres. & Sis. Clark
Dear family and friends,

Okay wow what a week! I am finally in Liberia! President and Sister Clark picked us up from the airport. They are so sweet and kind. They fed us well, trained us, gave us rain boots, umbrellas, and bed nets.
After giving us our various assignments, they sent us on our way! I was assigned to Bushrod in Monserrado. A village an hour away from Monrovia. It is the bush.

The newest Liberia Monrovia Missionaries arrive.

Elder James and Elder Hallenberger with the kids!
My companion is Elder James from Salt Lake City. He is great! He has been here for 3 months. He is a geek like me so we get along! We stay with Elder Johnson from San Diego and Elder Tamfumu from Congo. My zone leaders are Elder Fifita from New Zeland and Elder Hinson from Meridian! Great guys! Elder Hinson gave me a sweet African tie as a welcome gift! Elder Fifita nearly cried tears of joy when I informed him that there is now an Incredibles 2.

With my Zone Leader, Elder Hinson, from Meridian, ID!

We live in a small house inside a large compound. The water works but it's cold so I put a pot on the burner and shower the fun way. Our only source of power is only on from 7pm-7am. We have a speaker with General conference talks. I love using it in the morning while I get ready for the day. We also get the church magazines so that's nice. Washing clothes is an exercise haha. We get buckets, soap, and a wash board. It's actually pretty fun!

This place has a lot of goats, chickens, dogs, and lizards! Tiny goats will follow us as we walk all day! Lizards are found everywhere in the house. Big colorful lizards. They are fast but I'm determined to catch one soon. The dogs sadly aren't happy like I'm used to. They are often abandoned and always starving. It kills me to see, It's just horrible.
There is one more thing that is everywhere. Something that isn't as welcomed as the goats... Spiders. Bigger than ever. Everywhere. I can't believe it. Luckily we have bed nets for mosquitoes but I'm glad they are there because it allows me to sleep without the worry of an 8 legged spawn of satin visiting me in the night. I guess the Lord really blessed me with comfort because a month ago I was keeping my distance from a harmless lady bug.

I've also been given the strength to eat the food here. They really like to make the white man cry! Everything here has a violent amount of pe-pe (Pepper) in it! What comes in must come out and it's 10x worse coming out! The people just laugh and cheer while I sweat and cry eating the food. Ugh. When we teach they will randomly bring out a pot of rice with spoons. Then they pour pe-pe and dead fish on top and call it good. 

Then we eat out of the same bowl! Ah guys I'm really trying new things here! Mostly because after hours of hiking... I am too hungry to turn down the food. Whatever it may be. For breakfast I just make eggs. It seems that every other egg I crack has a half developed dead chick inside. The water is sold in 500ml plastic bags. They are only 10LD which is about 8c I think. Lots of people said I would starve here in Africa but Ive gained 8 pounds since I left!

Liberia is more of a 4th world country. I'm told it's one of the poorest places on earth. I believe it.. My heart sank when during a lesson in a family's home... 5 adorable children passed around a small container and spoon full of soggy fish remains. They weren't even complaining. In fact, they appeared to be the happiest kids I had seen!

I love the people here! So kind! They treat me like family! Everyone on the street greets me always! Most kids here have never seen a white man so they are always amazed when we walk by! They love to touch my hands! I love the children so much! Alfonzo, a 3 year old boy
screamed bloody murder when he first met me. After meeting me and realizing I'm not a monster... We have become good friends. 

These people practically speak a complete other language! It's called Kolokwa. I can't understand it but Elder James says I'll pick it up soon. When they are hungry they say.. "Myteesha" Meaning, "My teeth are sharp and ready to eat." I know... Super weird. That's just a tiny example. After watching a few of my MTC buddies learn French after just 3 weeks... I have full faith that the gift of tongues is very real. I will learn Kolokwa soon!

Church on Sunday was fun! It takes place in an old house. I got to bare my testimony because I'm a new Elder. It really just seemed like 3 hours of yelling haha. That's just the way these people talk.

Ah its been only a few days but I have so many experiences to share! We have a blind investigator named Sahr. We read chapters from the Book of Mormon to him every day. I had the wonderful opportunity to teach a family about God's plan of happiness. Words couldn't describe how heavy the Spirit was when they all literally cheered when I told them they could be a family for eternity with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love these people so much!

I am either wet from sweat or wet from rain...The walks are long but the views are beautiful... The work is hard but so worth it! I'm finally here in Liberia and I love it here!!! I love you all!!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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God Bless The Rains Down In Africa!

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