Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Week Two!!

Dear friends and family,

I am having a lot of fun here!! Besides the hours and hours of practicing teaching investigators in the district classroom... The Ghana MTC is pretty great!!! Not trying to shine light on myself but Elder "Hamburger" is pretty popular over here!! Both teachers and missionaries have become my friends and I love them all so much!! I've taught the Tongan's a few Don Williams songs during flex time so now whenever they see me they sing! My new name here is Elder Hamburger or Elder Cheeseburger. I'm not complaining... I could really go for a nice juicy burger right about now!!!... The rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is getting suuuuper old. I'd give my left arm for a sip of A&W rootbeer. I will never throw away my pizza crust again when I get home!

One morning Elder Nash came to speak to us. He is the West Africa area seventy. I was told before my mission that he used to be really good friends with my mom's family. When I told him who I was he was very happy to meet me! He sends his love! He asked where I was serving and when I told him Liberia... He got all emotional and looked at me and said, "That is a very special call Elder." It was a pretty cool experience to meet him. He gave us a great talk about truth, integrity, and agency. One I will never forget.

I've mentioned before that i've got the best district and also great teachers. Brother Walker is from Nigeria and has a very strong accent. He acts all tough and mean but I can always make him break character with a laugh. This is a little rude but the other day he told me I need to shave and I said, "Why? Some sisters here have more facial hair than I do!" Probably shouldn't have said that but Brother Walker laughed pretty hard. Whenever he needs to use the restroom he always says, "I need to go receive revelation." I t doesn't make sense but I think it's hilarious. One time he caught me day dreaming in class and he approached me saying, "Elder Hamburger! Are you thinking about someone else? Because I bet the person you are thinking about is thinking about someone else." It kinda hurt but I thought it was funny.

Just the other day, Walker came into class and he was not in a cheerful mood. It was clear to everyone that it was not a day for humor in the class. Obviously this bothered me so at the end of the class  when we all took the elevator down to the lobby. Including Brother Walker. I leaned over to Brother Walker and in my spot on Donald Duck voice I said, "We love you Brother Walker!" The whole class was laughing especially Brother Walker and it ended up being a pretty great day.

I hope everything is good back home!! Sorry again that my emails are so short. I have very little time to email at the MTC. Just know that I've read all your emails and I loved them! I love you all so much!!

Love, Elder Hallenberger

P.S. I dont know when my next pday will be but stay tuned! I should be in Liberia next time I email you!

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