Monday, August 6, 2018

Goodbye MTC!!!

Words can't describe how excited I was when I entered the cafeteria and saw what was for dinner. Usually the food scares me but this time I almost cried tears of joy. I don't know what I did to get so blessed. Maybe my prayers have been a bit longer I'm not sure but the point is... When the lunch lady brought out a tray of cheeseburgers I immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had died and I was in heaven. They also had french fries and chocolate milk! I felt the spirit so strongly. The church is true brothers and sisters!!!

The other day we got to hear from W. Christopher Waddell. He is the 2nd counselor in the presiding bishopric! Super cool guy, I got to shake his hand. He gave us a wonderful short message.

Tomorrow I board a plane to Liberia!! I am so excited but I am really going to miss all the friends I've made. Especially my district and teachers! They are all so cool! Good thing some of my closest friends are coming with me to Liberia. Elder Hamel, Marshall, T'oa, and Paskett. I got everyone's contact info so we can keep in touch after the mission.

In my scripture study I read in Alma chapter 14. This chapter kinda reminds me of some old superhero cartoon. Alma and Amulek are missionaries and they are captured and about to be burned with all the other prisoners. I love this chapter so much because even though things don't appear too great... Alma and Amulek never lose faith in the Lord. 14:12 reads; "Now Amulek said to Alma: Behold, perhaps they will burn us also." In this verse it seems Amulek is facing reality and accepting the fact that they might die. Now the very next verse is Alma's response and it's beautiful. 14:13 reads; "And Alma said: Be it according to the will of the Lord. But, behold, our work is not finished; Therefore they burn us not." Wow isn't that amazing!? Alma refuses to lose faith in the Lord. Because Alma and Amulek were obedient and trusted the Lord, the Lord blessed them and they were saved. Great missionaries and great heroes.

I really hope I never find myself in line to be burned haha but I have no doubt that I will face challenging times on my mission. I hope to always follow Alma's example and never lose faith and trust in the Lord.

That's just a small thought I had that I wanted to share. I love you all!! Thanks for all the encouraging emails! I love them!


P.S. I don't know when my next p-day will be but I will write when the day comes!

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