Monday, September 30, 2019

And It Came To Pass...

I, Elder Hallenberger, having taken upon myself the creative liberty to write in an entertaining manner, Therefore I will share unto you my record of the marvelous month of September. For behold, it was truly marvelous and it is my responsibility to share with those I love. Therefore I make a record of my ministry among the people of Kakata in the land of Liberia with my son who is a Congolese.

Yea, I make a record in the language of my father which consists of English although my ministry requires that I speak a broken English called Kolokwa that was difficult to learn but now difficult to stop.

And I know the record I make is true and I make it with mine own hand.

For it came to pass in the commencement of September, Elder Dabi and I became exceedingly joyful. For many of our people believed our message and sought baptism.

Therefore we did take courage and did work unceasingly insomuch that all who desired to be baptized were able to do so in the latter days of the month. And more of this great baptism will be spoken hereafter.

Yea, many things did happen in the month for we did begin a weekly Book of Mormon class that has been exceedingly successful.

And it came to pass that the rain did fall upon the land greatly insomuch that many people in our area were afflicted with flooded homes and barns. Therefore we did labor with all our might to assist those we love repair their homes.

And now, as we prepared many for baptism, we received many referrals to visit people in an area which was far in the bush. And this area was named Bong Mine Village and it was a 1 hour drive deep into the bush. Nevertheless, I sent an epistle to my President requesting approval to visit this land, return, and report.

And he said unto me, yea.

Therefore we did take a day and journey into the bush until we found this Bong Mine Village. And it came to pass that the area was promising and untouched by the Gospel. Yea we were the first to preach unto this people.
Therefore I did send a good report in the hopes that my President will soon allow us to return.

And it came to pass that our President did send a proclamation to the ministry warning us of a deadly disease growing in the bush with the potential of being worse than Ebola. Yea, 1 of 5 infected people expire. Nevertheless we will continue to trust God and obey his strict health command knowing we will be protected.

And now I will speak concerning the great baptism which was held on September the 28th. For behold, Kakata nor myself has ever seen a larger baptism. Yea even 22 people entered the waters of baptism. 16 of which were my companionship's candidates. Therefore the day shall never be forgotten.

And these are the 16 names of my people who were baptized: David, Blessing, Emmanuel, Nancy, Marilyn, Morris, Achieboy, George, Cathrine, Comfort, Lil John, Lil George, Steven, Allison, and a newly married couple who recently received a certificate after years of church investigation named Teta and Julius Kuku.

And to my astonishment, all 16 people arrived on time Sunday morning and were confirmed. Therefore we did rejoice for we had worked unceasingly and were blessed with much success.

And it came to pass that my companion and Elder Addo did baptize while President Price, District President Harmon, and myself spoke to the large multitude at the service. 

And now, Elder Wolfe(Arizona), Elder Addo(Ghana), and Elder Andriamisa(Madagascar) have been given new assignments to leave the land of Kakata on the 30th were they will conclude their missions together in December. Therefore it become expedient unto me to take pictures with them for they are my brethren yea they will always hold a place in my heart and I don't predict I will see them again on mission.

For behold, I am the last of my original brothers to remain in this land. For I did arrive here in April with my brothers Elder Dube and Elder Andriamisa but now they are gone and I am left alone in the work.

Now I do testify that the work is divine and true and my companion and I will continue to work hard for behold, that is what the Lord has commanded us. Yea this is the Lord's work and we will serve Him forever. Therefore we are pleased to be here in the land of Kakata.

And now I make an end of my speaking. Amen.

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