Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Latter-Day Zeezrom

Dear family and friends,

We’ve been pretty busy this week and it’s only gonna get busier! We are currently preparing 19 people for baptism at the end of September. Our days our full but it’s always a good time with my son, Elder Dabi who is learning English very well. I love him and I’m grateful for the companionship.

On Wednesday after zone conference, we had the opportunity to teach 2 powerful lessons with Elder Hugo E Martinez of the Seventy. Since neither my companion nor Elder Martinez could speak Kalokwa…. I taught and they testified. It was a great experience and I’m grateful for it.

Not long ago, I finished reading in the Book of Mormon about Alma and Amulek and their experience with Zeezrom. Ironically, I had a very similar experience on Friday afternoon only, I didn't have an Amulek to help me blast (Alma 11:23). Instead, I had a companion that can only share a small testimony in English. Nevertheless, The Spirit of God was with me and my tongue was loosed and I was able to flog the accuser with scripture to prove my claim.

We were in the middle of a lesson when a very arrogant man named Jeremiah decided to take a break from selling and contend with me. “Tell me about the 3 heavens you guys believe in” He demanded, “Does the Bible not say that there is only a heaven and a hell?” Immediately I knew a bible bash was about to start. I hate arguing especially about religion but this man was determined to shut me down. I could tell he was educated by the way he talked and he could also shout memorized scripture that he learned in school but I knew what I taught and I knew where to find it. Regardless, whether you’re right or wrong, an arrogant person won’t listen to what you have to say. It’s like banging your head on a brick wall and complaining you have a headache.

I told Jeremiah that we respected his beliefs and that we would appreciate the same respect. I began by saying that after we die, our bodies and spirits are temporarily separated. Our bodies go to the ground and our spirits go to either paradise (heaven) or prison (hell). Because of Jesus Christ, we will all one day be resurrected and our bodies and spirits will reunite to their perfect frame and we will be immortal, free from physical pain and death. After this, we will be judged and given our eternal reward according to the way we chose to live our lives and treat our bodies. Those who followed God’s Gospel will inherit the Celestial Kingdom where God and Jesus Christ lives. They will have eternal growth and a fullness of joy and their glory will be as the brightness of the sun and more. Those who chose to follow God not in this life but in the spirit world will be heirs of the Terrestrial Kingdom where they will experience a glory of the moon. Those who chose to continue in sin and refuse Christ’s Atonement will still be given a glory of the stars in the Telestial Kingdom and their happiness will be much greater than earth life but because they refused the Savior’s sacrifice, they will need to suffer for their own sins. Both Terrestrial and Telestial Kingdoms are better than earth life because it includes a portion of God’s Glory yet the heirs of these Kingdoms are eternally damned and will never become like God. He asked where I learned all this and I had him read in the 1st book of Corinthians 15:41-42 where the Apostle Paul explains the 3 degrees of Glory.

He then asked where I learned about the Spirit world and that's when I finally pulled out my Book of Mormon. Alma 40:11-14, “...The spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness...” And then Alma speaks about wicked Spirits, “...And these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the Devil.” He then continued asking about spirit prison, “The hell of our spirits is a lake of fire prepared for those who sin. Do you believe this?” I opened to Romans 3:23 hoping to turn the conversation to a positive message about the amazing Atonement of Jesus Christ, “...For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” The spirits who are seeking improvement and exercising the Savior’s Atonement will have desires to progress in the next life and will have that chance. We are all sinners but only some want to change. Those who don’t never will. “For that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world.” Alma 34:34 “I also explained that the lake of fire is not literal because spiritual spirits cant feel physical pain but that the wicked’s “...Torment is as a lake of fire and brimstone” because of their guilt and eternal damnation and the fear of judgment. (2 Nephi 9:16) It’s called the great and terrible day of the Lord because for those who prepared to meet their maker…. It will be a glorious reunion but for those who deliberately fought against Him… They will wish mountains would fall on them to cover themselves from God.

“I do not believe these things because you teach out of a book that surely adds to the bible which is against John’s teachings. Why do you feel the Book of Mormon is any exception?” He asked. I thanked him for such an easy question. I then explained that the book of Revelations is a book of it’s own and it was written far before all 68 holy books were put together. The word bible means collection of books and when John wrote, “...If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.” (Rev 22:18) he meant specifically the book he was writing which was the book of Revelations. We thank God for every word of scripture and the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. “...In the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” (Matt 18:16) We believe that the Holy Bible is the first witness of Jesus Christ and that the Book of Mormon is another.

I asked if his questions had been answered and he literally scoffed and walked away. Although I got him good, I felt bad for the family who had to watch me deal with the Latter-Day Zeezrom. I explained that we respect all religions but we wont deny truth. Facts don't have feelings. I’m happy to say that the family came to church for the first time the following Sunday and I kid you not… Jeremiah even showed up and I was able to finish contacting him:) Even Zeezrom was converted which always reminds me that when someone wants to fight… we need to stay calm, kind, and also bold.

I love you all! Thanks for reading my stories and giving me positive feedback and loving encouragement!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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