Monday, September 9, 2019

The Power Of The Book Of Mormon!

Dear Family and friends,
During personal study, I read the Book of Mormon and I'm currently in the book of Alma. Miraculously, each lesson we teach gives me a perfect opportunity to share what I recently read during my personal study. For example, we recently taught a man named Edwin (Not his real name) about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to first teach a brief overview of all 5 principles (Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end) and then come back another day and break it down teaching each principle individually in depth using scripture. Other Missionaries can take 1 day to teach this lesson but I prefer to break it down into multiple discussions beginning with a brief overview of the Gospel and why it is so important. After the first lesson with Edwin, I found myself one morning in Alma 32 where Alma teaches the poor about faith. I knew this would be perfect for Edwin's next lesson! I also read in the following chapters where Amulek speaks about repentance. When we taught again, I shared these scriptures with Edwin and I could tell he took it to heart. He asked, "What happens if we don't repent? Will we go to hell?" I opened my Book of Mormon again and read about Alma's personal experience with repentance. "Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell. Yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept His holy commandments."(Alma36:13) After reading this, I saw that Edwin had understood the scripture and was worried for Alma and himself. I told him that the story wasn't over yet and I continued... "...I cried with my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall bitterness, and am encircled about by the chains of everlasting death. And now, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceedingly was my pain!" "...Yea, and from that time even until now, I have labored without ceasing, that I might bring souls unto repentance; that I might bring them to taste of the exceeding joy which I did taste."(Alma36:18-20,24)

This positive and happy ending brought us all to feel joyful to know that because of the Savior’s Atonement… We all have the wonderful and priceless gift of repentance. When we apply this gift to our lives, we can become new and holier disciples of Jesus Christ. Take Alma’s example! He sought to destroy the church but because of his change of heart, he became one of the most powerful servants of God working miracles upon the lives of the Lamanites. Edwin then asked about his beloved sisters who don’t follow God and have no desires to change. He wanted to know what would become of them. I told him that Alma was spared because of the faithful prayers of his parents. This is what caused his repentance to begin! “...It is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared..”(Alma10:23) 

I truly do believe that the Lord is mindful of his servants and that he will care for our loved ones as long as we remain worthy to pray for their welfare. We also need to be patient and trust God’s timetable. I have faith that Edwin’s sisters will soon recognize his change in heart and will desire to follow his example.

I know that the Book of Mormon is true. Elder Hugo E Martinez challenged me to use it as much as I can when teaching. Since then, miracles have occurred and my own testimony has been strengthened each time I use The Book of Mormon to teach and testify. I recently began a Book of Mormon class but I like to call it the Book of Mormon discussion group because it’s a lot different than the usual Book of Mormon classes. I put the chairs in a circle and invite not only investigators, but members and missionaries also! Together we discuss Gospel questions using the Book of Mormon. It’s truly a powerful book but not in the way people tend to think…. I know a man who used to put his scriptures on his nightstand but he would never read them. He simply believed that the presence of the book would protect him throughout the night! It doesn't work like that. The book itself inst powerful but the teachings inside have the potential to bring miracles in our lives if we chose to diligently study and apply them to our lives. Same goes for the power of a mission! Many believe that when they return from their mission… God will suddenly throw a blessing on them that will protect them financially for the rest of their life. This causes them to go on mission but disobey, not work, and return home only to realize that they have completely wasted everyone’s time.(Mosiah7:30-31) When missionaries learn to work hard, deal with difficult people, study, manage monthly subsistence, cook and care for themselves, wake up and go to bed at a good hour, develop Christlike attributes, and practice patience, obedience, and diligence, the experience of a 2 year mission has the potential to set them straight for the rest of their life! Likewise, when we apply the teachings of the Book of Mormon to our own lives, the Lord can work miracles in our lives. Seems pretty powerful to me:) I love the things I am learning and I thank God for the blessing of a mission and of course always the blessings of the powerful teachings in the Book of Mormon.
While teaching a family with Elder Martinez, I was asked the question… “What’s the difference between a preacher and a missionary?” I suddenly got nervous to answer in front of a General Authority but I figured saying something would be better than saying nothing. “When I think of a preacher, I think of a man who stands at a pulpit and shouts scriptures at the crowd.” I stated, “Then the preacher goes goes home never to be seen outside his church. But I want you guys to think of us not as your preachers but your friends. Your family. It is true that we are called to preach the Lord’s Gospel but we are first called to serve not preach. If you have questions… we will try our best to answer. If you need someone to wash your clothes, call us and I will have all 12 missionaries in Kakata at your house washing clothes, doing dishes and whipping the grass.” I looked over at Elder Martinez to see if he had anything to say but he just smiled and said, “Well said.”
Our area is truly doing great. Our companionship is wonderful and I thank God that I have been able to remain healthy enough to train Elder Dabi to be a hard working missionary. His English is improving rapidly and he is truly my good friend! I taught him the word bro and my guy but he seems to get it mixed up and say, “Guy! Whats up?” or “Goodnight my bro!” Haha he’s growing up so fast!
This is my report! I love you all!
Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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