Thursday, August 29, 2019

First Week Was Successful!!

Dear family and friends,

I've had a great week with my new companion, Elder Dabi! Each morning for an hour, I teach him how to speak English. Throughout the day, he will ask me how to say certain words and how to correctly construct a sentence. We are living with Elder Andriamisa who can speak French so it has been helpful having him around when I can't understand my companion. For the most part, if I speak slowly, Elder Dabi has no problem understanding me which is a blessing because I'm the teacher..

"Elder Hallenberger, me not get no money for buy food."
"No, it's I dont have any money for food."
"Me hungry."
"...Yeah me too."
Haha it's not easy but we're making progress. I taught him the word bro so now every time he talks to people he calls them bro:) That's my boy! Elder Dabi, President, and the Lord trusts me and I dont want to let them down. Before his training is finished, I will have Elder Dabi speaking English because I know that miracles come from obedience, diligence, and faith. My priority is to 1st, train Elder Dabi to be a great missionary and 2nd, to help him learn the language. If I do the 1st, then the 2nd will be much easier. "Obedience is the key to knowledge." -Bruce R Mcconkie

I have exciting news! Elder Hugo E Martinez of the Seventy is coming to speak to the mission on Wednesday at Zone conference! He desires to proselyte with a companionship afterwards and he chose me and Elder Dabi!!! I'm so nervous and excited! It's such a great opportunity and privilege to be able to say I proselyted with a general authority! I will surely have a report on this experience next week.

Just this morning, we had a great district activity in our apartment! I had asked president if as a district, we could watch Coco on P-day. Because President Price is a true bro... he allowed it and I am now a legend among my brothers! (This is the 2nd time I've convinced President to let me watch a movie on a Pday) Elder Pluim and I cooked a good amount of rice and chicken and Elder and Sister Baird brought their movie and projector! We had soft drink, brownies, and good food! Elder Pluim and I were worried that it wouldn't turn out well but I think it's by far the best activity ever put together. During the movie I turned to Elder Pluim and gave him a fist bump. We did it. #Legendsonmission. Coco is a dope movie I hadn't seen before. Super fun and creative:)

I love you all! Thanks for all your prayers and kind words! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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