Sunday, August 18, 2019


Dear family and friends,

This week was a powerful one and the days will surely be remembered! I am very grateful for my hard working companion who has a strong desire to progress the area for me and my next companion (hopefully a trainee). We've set goals and conquered them! We've worked hard and stayed obedient and as a result... The Lord has surely blessed our area and companionship. I love this work and I'm forever grateful for Elder Stitcher and his profound example. I report that this week was successful and that Kakata is doing great!

Every other day this week we proselyted with Brother George Sumo, an Elder preparing for his mission. He has been very helpful to have around because his testimony is strong and he knows the area better than we do. We also had Sister Joyce ZayZay help us a few times which has also been helpful. She's also preparing for mission and I have no doubt that they'll both do great:)

President Price announced his desires to make us more productive in the work. For example, even though missionaries need to be inside before dark, 7:30, President asks that we continue doing missionary work till 9 (Like most missions). Things like planning, calling investigators, studying, and updating the area book. I love this new change and I know it'll cause improvement in our areas. President Price is a great leader and I am excited to continue serving with him.

After church service, I taught an investigator some things I have been studying in the Book of Mormon. She asked me to teach her so I figured the words of King Benjamin would be a good one! This king was a righteous man who served his people just as the Savior did. He also encouraged his people to follow his example. 
"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:17) 
When King Benjamin handed the throne to Mosiah, his son, Mosiah wisely followed his fathers example and worked hard along side his fellow men and served them. Because of this, there was no contention in the land. Everyone served one another and the Lord blessed them because of it! I then told her that when we serve others, we will see happiness within our own lives.
On Saturday we had a large service project at the branch building and seeing my Branch President working hard with the members reminded me of King Benjamin and his son. This is how it it inside Christ's true church! Jesus Christ himself spent all His days serving others and all He asks of us is to do the same and love those we serve. When we do this, we show our love to Heavenly Father and we will see blessings even miracles in our lives. 

As I study about leaders serving their fellow men, I am reminded of my time in the mission home last week with President and his wife. Everyday, they left early, got home late, and answered phone calls all night. Missionaries often assume our President is relaxing all day in his homer but I witnessed first hand that he works harder than any missionary here. It's comforting to know I've got a leader who is so engaged and dedicated. I love and sustain President Price.

This is my report for this last week. This next week has been titled, "The power week" because Elder Stitcher wants to end stronger than ever! I'm happy to do that with him. We'll have 4 baptisms this Sunday after service and President Price said he will try and attend so that should be a great day for Kakata:)

Love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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