Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Stay On The Path

Dear family and friends,

I'm sorry to say that our beloved 1st counselor in the branch presidency, Brother Cooper Washington passed away on Tuesday morning. The community has been bereaved but we are directing our thoughts to the Savior and his sacrifice which promises that death is never the end. We will soon see our friend, Brother Washington again. I recall that the night before he left for the hospital, President Amara, the branch president asked us to come with him to visit with Brother Washington. He asked me to give him a blessing. I don't remember what was said but I remember the strong sense of the Spirit in the room that evening as we prayed our hands on his head and gave him a blessing. It was the last time we saw him. Thank you Brother Washington for the profound example and the spiritual impact you made for the people of Kakata.

On Saturday morning, the district held a beautiful baptism service. Unfortunately because of cohabitation... our candidates had to wait for their baptism. It can be stressful when someone understands the Gospel and has a desire to be baptized yet... They're cohabitating and lack the money for a legal marriage certificate. This is the #1 road block for missionaries here in Liberia. Prayer and patience is all we can do. At least they are on a path and they understand what they need to do!

At the baptism, I was asked to give a short message about the ordinance. I decided to share a short story that Elder Tamfumo gave at my first baptism in LIberia. It's about a man who lived in a small village many years ago....
This man felt very incomplete and felt all he was working below what he was worth. He wanted to be more. Next to the village was a large mountain that reached high into the sky! Each day, the man would gaze at the mountain and dream of the beautiful view from above. 
Well, one day, he decided to sell everything he owned, say farewell to his friends, and begin the journey up the mountain. It wasn't easy. There were times when he wanted to give up but the passion to see the top drove him up the mountain. The top of the mountain was glorious and the view was breathtaking!!! He felt strong, important, alive, new, and free. "This is where belong" he stated. "This is where I will stay."

After a short time, a snake approached the man saying, "I want to go down the mountain but I lack the strength. Will you carry me down??" Knowing he shouldn't trust the snake, the man replied, "Sorry Mr snake... You are a snake. A liar since the beginning. You'll just bite me with your deadly fangs." The snake tried again saying, "Please I wont bite! I just need help getting down." The man decided to trust the snake and he carried him down the mountain.
Once they reached the bottom, the man placed the snake on the ground. Just before letting go, the snake bit the man. "You bit me!" The man cried. The snake smiled saying, "Of course. I'm a snake."

After sharing this story, I related it to our lives as Latter-Day Saints leaving the village of the world, climbing the mountain of discipleship, and enjoying the glorious blessings of the Gospel. I then obviously related the snake to Satan and his followers always trying to get us to leave what we love, bring us down, and bite us with the inevitable consequence of sin.... sorrow, guilt, despair. Through baptism, we enter a gate that allows us to return to our Heavenly home. After the gate however, comes a path. A covenant path that we must follow until the end. An iron rod is there to help secure us but if we chose to let go and wonder off the path... We are putting ourselves at spiritual risk. Thankfully, since Heavenly Father knows we aren't perfect, He has provided a Savior who lovingly gave us the gift of repentance. A gift we should exercise each day. A gift we should always be grateful for. A gift that will allow us to return home.

I then gave the same advice I give to anyone reading this letter.... Stay on the path. Baptism alone doesn't provide salvation. We must endure to the end. Don't go back to the old life that you already promised God you'd never relive. Stay on the path:)

We received transfer news! Elder Wolfe from Arizona has come to replace Elder Montenegro as my zone leader! Elder Fifita has been called to be AP and I will be with Elder Eaton for another transfer! Pretty exciting! 

Love you all!
Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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