Monday, May 20, 2019

The Work of The Lord!!!!

Dear family and friends,

This week really did a number on our emotions. On Tuesday evening, after a long and busy day of missionary work, my companion received the call that his dear older sister had passed through the veil. As his companion, I did everything I knew hot to comfort his sorrows. With the aid of his companion, zone leaders, the local senior couple, President and Sister Clark, and loved ones back home, it didn't take long for Elder Eaton to feel better about the situation.

They broadcast the funeral service and my companion and I were able to view it live at the Baird's apartment on Saturday night. After the service, Elder Baird said something that I agreed with... "I have attended a lot of funerals for people I never met and I always just feel so cheated that I never got the opportunity to know them!" After hearing the many beautiful talks about her life, Emili Johnson's example of a loving Christ-like person is one I'm grateful for and I also wish I were able to have met her.

It was such a massive blessing that Elder Eaton was able to call his sister the day before she passed away. Its also a blessing that we were able to watch the funeral live... a thousand miles away. I am so grateful for all this but most of all, I am eternally grateful for the Savior's atoning sacrifice and the hope it provides that one day, we will see our loved ones again and that death is never the end. It's a new beginning. 
I recall that during the blessing I gave Elder Eaton on Tuesday night, the Spirit inspired me to promise my companion that his beloved sister was currently participating in the same missionary work that he is doing on the other side.

I love the message I am privileged to share everyday! God has a plan and He is mindful of all His children. His plan reveals that He loves us and that there is hope. 
"We can't fully appreciate joyful reunions later without tearful separations now. The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life." -President Russell M Nelson

Id like to share two lesson experiences I had this week. We went to Sister Leamou's house to teach her about the law of chastity. Instead of presenting the popular list of do's and don'ts.... I felt impressed to read with her from Matthew 5 where the Savior gives the sermon on the mount and teaches us to not only keep our actions pure.... but also our thoughts. I told her that the law of chastity protects the family which is God's favorite thing! This being said, it's no surprise that God loves to be known as our Heavenly Father. President Russell M Nelson has taught that the family is the heart of God's plan! These truths and many more were taught and Sister Leamou was able to better understand why God gives us guidelines and laws concerning the sacred power of procreation. My companion and I agreed that we walked away from that lesson with a greater understanding of Heavenly Father's mind.

For the 2nd experience, we took a long journey deep into the bush to teach Jackson and his friend Steven. The sun wasn't too hot so by the time we arrived, we still had a good amount of energy to teach one of the best Book of Mormon lessons I've ever taught! Jackson wasn't there so we only taught Steven and a little girl who has the sweetest smile. My companion shared the truth about the book and I followed with a simple explanation on how the book got in our hands. After we testified of what we had discussed, I could see that his expression about the book clearly changed from "this could be true" to.... "this must be true."

I am so grateful for the experiences I have each day as a full time missionary. I recently reached my 10 month mark and I came to the realized that my mission is speedily coming to an end and I have a goal to try everything in my power to give the remaining 14 months my all! How great is the work and I feel so honored and grateful to be a part of the Lord's work! 

Love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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