Monday, May 13, 2019

Mud Huts!!!

Dear family and friends,

I had a good week! Because I was pretty sick, I was only able to work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'm much better now and I'm grateful I was able to heal quickly. 

On Saturday, our District leader, Elder Odoom and his companion invited us to a service opportunity in Morris Farm Kakata. When we showed up we were surprised to see what the job was! There was a bamboo framed hut that we were supposed to slop mud on until the bamboo was covered. My companion and I glady did what was asked of us with the 30 other guys working beside us! Wheelbarrows of thick mud was being dumped along the side of the house and our job was to take chuncks of it and mush it on the house. As people walked by, they couldn't help but watch for a minute and laugh at the white man getting his hands dirty and working hard. I guess I made quite the show because there were pictures being taken, videos being filmed. Lots of them kept yelling, "You are a real African now!" (I was getting very muddy) It was very fun and I'm glad I had that experience. When I come back to Liberia after my mission... Mud hut building is gonna be at the top of my bucket list:)

On our way to the service project, I saw the brothers from the Africa HeartWood Project again! They had gone home for a couple months but the returned and as luck would have it... I ran into them! They were with my old bishop from Paynesville. It was very nice to see them again:)

I don't have a whole lot to say about this week. We have a busy week ahead of us because we are preparing a few people for baptism on the 25th of May. It's going to be exciting and I'll keep you updated! Love you all! 

-Elder Hallenberger

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