Monday, May 6, 2019

Loving Kakata!!

Dear family and friends,

I know a lot of you hated my last email and I know a lot of you loved it but I still think I should apologize for sharing a story that could be sensitive to some readers. America and Liberia have a lot of cultural differences and I've been here for a while so I guess I've forgotten how extreme some are. I'm sorry again and I love you all:)

I had a very powerful week! I can't believe I'm already halfway through the transfer! Time is going so incredibly fast and I'm doing my best to make every moment count. 

To begin, I have a bit of a scary story to share. On Wednesday evening, my companion and I were walking through a busier part of town to return home. We began to be followed by a crazy man, which is common but this man very clearly wanted to harm us with a long piece of wood he was holding with nails in it. We kept our cool and didn't say anything. We were being respectful, obedient, and cautious so I knew the Lord wouldn't allow this man to hurt us. He then began to bang the board on a railing beside us making his intentions very clear. Knowing we couldn't let this man follow us to our home... We crossed a busy road and made our way through a small village with a good amount of corners to lose the man. Thinking we lost him, we started walking home using a less convenient but safer route. My heart skipped a beat when my companion said the words, "He's behind us again." I looked behind me and saw the man running towards us. Others tried to stop him but he threatened anyone who got in his way. While we ran, I called my President to receive instructions. He had the Bairds (Kakata senior couple) pick us up and carry us home safely. When my companion and I reflect on this memory, we can't help but notice God's hand protecting his servants.

On a more happy note, we had a successful baptism on Saturday! I was able to conduct the service and my companion was the baptist. it was a beautiful morning and the smiles on the 4 kid's faces as they came up from the water really touched my heart. The work is rewarding and I feel so blessed to be apart of it here in Liberia:)

Baptismal invited has been extended and accepted this past week! Sister Leamou is one of them and she is so excited to learn more about the Lord's Gospel. The other day we went to her house for a lesson and afterwards, she invited us into her home where all her college buddies were cooking food. They were hilarious and my companion and I surprised them with our Kalokwa! The people in Kakata aren't used to white people who know Kalokwa. They spend a lot of time with the peace corp who never make any attempts to learn the Liberian English. The other day we ran into two ladies from the peace corp and they couldn't understand us!!! When I get home I'm going to struggle speaking to people. 

Speaking of speaking to people.... On Sunday we made plans to travel deep into the bush and teach the bush people who live in huts and don't wear much clothing. The sight of two white men going to their home really shocked them. They are so far into the bush that they likely don't see anyone too often! They all speak an African dialect called Pela. I'm from the Kru tribe so I have no idea how to speak Pela. Luckily... The father knows English and Pela.  He would translate everything I said and it was so cool! The Lord cares about ALL his children... Even the ones deep in the bush. I'm excited to say that we plan on extending a baptismal invite this week!

On Sunday afternoon... President Harrmon (District President) and President Amara (Branch President) followed us to go see Brother Washington, the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency. Brother Washington has a bad foot disease that causes his foot to look like its got 2 baseballs in it. I gave him a priesthood blessing and we visited with him for a few minutes. We will continue praying for this man and we hope he'll be back to his regular routine in no time.

The mission is great! I love it here and I feel so privileged to be doing what I'm doing. The things I experience and witness here will surely be what will cause me to continue strong in the Faith throughout my life. I love you all and I hope all is well! #TheChurchIsTrue #TheBookIsBlue

Sincerely, Elder Horace Hallenberger

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