Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Another Awesome Week!!!

Dear family and friends, 

This week was awesome! A lot happened but I don't want to make this too long so I'll summarize the best I can:)

On Monday, we had the best zone activity at a beach resort called Tropicana. I will definitely come to Tropicana again when I return to Liberia after my mission. The place is beautiful! Surprisingly, it didn't cost any money to hangout there. I guess the Lebanese assume they'll make enough profit from their expensive alcohol. We had a great time with beach volleyball, hammocking, singing, and sea shell hunting! Elder Booher, Jensen, Astle and I got carried away and ended up getting soaked from wave jumping! Overall, it was literally the best zone activity:)

One of our recent converts had me draw a diagram of a plant cell, animal cell, and a microscope for her college project haha! When I asked her to give us work... I wasn't expecting homework haha!

On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Packer from Utah. I think the peak of the day was when we visited one of Elder Packer's investigators who had 8 very fun, and energetic kids. When we turned the corner to this man's home... All his kids, plus more started yelling and running towards us! They were jumping up on us and feeling our strange white skin haha it was the best! Then they all started begging to feel my hair so I (generously) knelt down and all these little black hands began playing with my hair haha! It was the sweetest thing. I bet they'd love my afro. I know I did. #legandsneverdie #Itllcomeback

We were there to give him a lesson about prayer. We taught him about the importance of prayer and since he was clearly a family man... I told him that one of the best ways to invite the Spirit in a Gospel centered home is through family prayer. We then invited him to always have a family prayer at least once a day. The lesson was really good! The family was so sweet and I hope to see them again soon. Elder Packer and I taught a lot of great lessons and I learned a lot from him and his profound missionary example. He has become a brother to me and I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to get to know him these past transfers and hopefully more.

About 3 weeks ago, Elder Booher and I had a lady named Edith come up to us at church and say, "I want to be baptized." We were happy to help her out and teach her about the Gospel!

On Saturday 23rd, we held a combined baptismal service for Edith and our other investigator named Jeremy! Along with 6 other candidates for the other Elders in the zone! Elder Booher, Elder Jensen, and Brother Bayou were the baptists. It was a beautiful service and I'm so excited for my friends who have made the decision to be baptized! We confirmed the following morning and gave Jeremy the Aaronic Priesthood. 

Elder Booher and I have been blessed to have 11 total baptisms together in just 2 transfers! I know numbers aren't important but it's always very rewarding and motivating to see how much our hard work impacted the area. I'm grateful for the great companionship I've had with Elder Booher and I'm going to miss him when he leaves. It is expected he will be leaving next transfer because he has been in this area for a long time. I'm excited to continue the work in the Duport Road area with my next companion, whoever it may be. We will find out this week!

The work is going great! I love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

Tropicana, Interviews, Baptism, Homework, My new monkeys, A drawing I drew for Elder Aspuria (The Filipino Spiderman)

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