Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another Successful Baptism

Dear Family and friends, 

This week has been insane from start to finish! On Monday, we spent the entire day trying to catch a car to carry us from in town to Paynesville. We had gone to the mission office to quickly upload pictures, pick up mail, and buy some study books for our recent converts. Little did we know, this simple errand would end up consuming our whole P-day! By the time we finally got a car, it was almost dark. The drive from Monrovia to Paynesville is about an hour and a half...  If you're lucky. We weren't too lucky. The ride home was long and sketchy!  I can clearly see why President wants us indoors before dark. The streets of Liberia is not the place to be at night. Fortunately, President allowed us to email and shop the following day.

The center focus for this week was to further prepare our 5 investigators for their baptism on Saturday. My Zone leader, Elder Erickson came to my area with me for an exchange. He interviewed and passed all the candidates and we we even got to have an amazing lesson with Pinky and Cherish! Elder Erickson is from Utah and he's been on mission for a year. He's a powerful man and an example to me and so many others!

Our lesson with Pinky and Cherish was easily one of the most spiritual lessons I've ever experienced! Elder Erickson said the same thing!  As I taught, the Spirit completely took over and had me say things that my immature mind would never know how to explain! We had stopped by to minister and follow up. I wanted to know how they were doing since their baptism. We then taught them about all the many things they can do to make keeping commandments easier! I said that even the little things can make a major difference in our lives. I mainly encouraged them to find good friends who share the same standards as they do. I told them, "You'll slowly become like those you spend the most time with. Always be sure to spend your time with good people."

In my closing testimony, I let them both know that I cared about them and wanted nothing but the best for them. I recall something special that Elder Erickson told them as he testified after me. He said, "Elder Hallenberger has 3 sisters back home. I can really tell that he talks to you with the same brotherly love he has for them." His comment nearly made me cry because it's very true! They've become family and I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye to them and everyone else I teach.

My time in Liberia is not long at all and my time here in Paynesville is even shorter so I'm trying everything in my power to ensure that those I love will remain strong in the Gospel when I'm gone. I have faith that will be the case:)

The baptism on Saturday the 9th went very well!  Between 3 companionships, we had a total of 9 candidates! 5 of which were our own. Elder Packer and I were privileged to be the baptists for the service! One of the candidates only had one leg so Elder Packer baptized while I stood in the font supporting the man. It was such a unique and special experience.

My younger candidate named Richmond, was extremely scared of the water. Every time I would try to put him under, he'd panic and resist! After a couple failed attempts, I tried to comfort Richmond by assuring him that I was his friend and I'd never allow him to drown. After that, I was able to baptize him without any struggle. His younger brother, Delorish was even more terrified of the water! Except, this little boy had a history of making things super difficult and he was a lot smaller so I didn't hesitate throwing him under haha!

All in all, the service was amazing! My companion and I confirmed the following morning. I am so happy for my friends who have decided to be baptized and we are excited to continue helping them grow in the Gospel!

There's still plenty to do here! Almost all of our investigators have baptismal dates and we are receiving referrals left, right, and center! Elder Booher and I always keep busy and we are having a ton of fun serving together! The mission is awesome and I'm developing a greater love for the people and the work each and everyday I'm here!

Love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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