Monday, January 7, 2019

The Wooden Spoon Was Nothing!!

Dear family and friends,

Here in Liberia, an essential household item is the Flogging stick. A long, thin piece of reed that's specifically designed to be used as a child flogger. (Flog meaning beat or wack) It's also good on chickens, dogs, and anything else that tests your patience! Available at ANY market! The demand is high! Growing up, I recall the famous wooden spoon that was hardly ever used for cooking;) But this menacing instrument of reproval is way worse and it isn't disguised as a harmless cooking utensil. The flogging stick only has one purpose. To flog and keep flogging.

I'm not saying this to up sell a product haha it sells itself here. No, This is is the introduction to one of my experiences this week. After concluding a great lesson with a great investigator, Elder Booher and I began our long walk to our next appointment. It was then when we came across 3 little boys, no older than 10, sitting perfectly aligned on the grass, bare naked, and crying helplessly. We were both confused until we noticed what was happening... A few yards in front of the boys was a man who was pacing back and forth with a flogging stick. The man's tactic of  discipline was honestly kind of genius haha! I'm not saying I approve haha but it was smart! He was just walking around with his stick while his kids watched and anticipated their flogging! He was letting it simmer! On top of that... They were naked! What is this?! "We can't just let this man beat these kids." I told my companion as we walked by. Elder Booher readily agreed and he instantly turned around and approached the man. The man informed us that the boys were fighting again and needed punishment. "Please my man... Spare them. I'll talk to them." Elder Booher said. The man agreed and Elder Booher and I knelt in front of the crying boys. "See your pa here? This man wants to flog you." Elder Booher boldly stated. "But I saved your life. Stop fighting. Your pa will flog you twice if you fight again... And we wont be here to stop him." The boys stopped crying and the pa put the stick down. We later found out that the man kept his promise and the boys walked away spared. I think it would be hilarious if one of the boys became an apostle or something and shared his first encounter with a Latter-Day Saint haha!

Fortunately, we experienced more baptisms than child floggings. On Saturday morning, we held a beautiful service for the zone's baptisms. Out of the 5 companionship, I believe there was 6 candidates being baptized. 2 of which were ours! Love and Baby Love! Elder Booher baptized and I confirmed the following morning. It was a great experience and i'm excited to continue teaching them as they progress In the Gospel. 

It's safe to expect more baptisms very soon! 3 of our investigators have accepted to be baptized on the 19th of this month and many more will follow afterwards. Elder Booher and I are keeping busy but we are also having a lot of fun. Love my companion and roommates like they are my brothers. It seems every day ends with nerdy Thanos theory's, freestyle rap battles, and a whole lot of french fries! Which is all I've ever wanted:)

One more quick experience that literally happened not long ago at the mission office:
Remember my body guard Bishop Pride? We saw each other at the office for the first time since he left me at the airport! I told him about the drunk Russians on the plane! I said, "If Pride were here..." and he finished my sentence with, "I woulda killed them!" Love that man! His daughter just left on her mission for Madagascar! Excited for their family! 

The mission is on fire! I'm loving it more than ever! Love you all! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PICTURES: Baptisms and Christmas morning

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