Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Another Great Week!

Dear family and friends, 

This week has been very spiritual and successful! The constant positive progression of my area makes me so happy! Let me share just 2 of the many experiences we were blessed to have this past week.

On my very first Sunday in this area, we met Pinky and Cherish, 2 sisters who decided to join our service on this particular Sunday. Since then, we've been teaching them every other day. Pinky and Cherish not only make us the best soup every time we come, but they also listen and accept our message wonderfully! They are just the best and we are always excited to see them (Not just for the food.)

We recently taught them about the Plan of Salvation and they reacted with joy and even relief! Probably because they love the idea of families! Hearing the news that families can be together forever surely excited them. They always invite friends and other siblings to join our lessons and they have even accepted to be baptized this Saturday! I'm so excited for them! It's always awesome to be with an investigator from the day they discover the Church to the day they are baptized. I can't think of a better way to conclude my first 6 months on mission:)

This next one is a kind of a "You had to be there" experience but, i'll share it anyways.I only say that because I don't know if my story telling skills will ever be good enough to define the feelings I felt during a lesson on this last Friday evening. We planned to visit with a recent convert named Brother Stevens. He lives a long walk away so seeing him is hard to do considering his busy work schedule. He invited us into his house and we began teaching lesson 5, Families and Temples (My first time teaching inside a house haha.)

About halfway through the great lesson, a woman started to call for Brother Stevens from outside. He invited her in and she sat with us at the table. She said her name was Jessica and she insisted that we'd continue the lesson. As we taught, I noticed Jessica had a very interested look on her face. She asked serious questions and it didn't take long until our focus was directed towards her. Families and Temples isn't the first lesson we teach people. Infact, we typically teach it to recent converts after baptism. But it seemed to be exactly what Jessica needed to hear. After the Lesson, and after sharing our testimonies, Jessica said something I'll never forget. "I know that God sent me here today so I could hear this very important message."

I mean, It was pretty convenient. A miracle even! She happened to be late and if she came on time... She would've missed us!  She also had only met Brother Stevens the other day and was there to meet his brother for work opportunities. Not to mention... We usually visit with Brother Stevens at the church since he lives so far away. I know it was by the grace of God that everything lined up just right for Jessica to meet us that special day. Since then, we've only seen her once more but it is clear to me that she is one of the elect and i'm excited to continue teaching her. 

Obviously, these are only a few of the experiences that make missionary work so rewarding. I'm absolutely loving it! On top of all the life changing experiences, I'm also making a lot of new friends in the mission! Elder Packer, Elder Jensen, Elder Aspuria and many more have truly become like family. Especially my companion Elder Booher. Together, we are able to get stuff done and I hope he stays for another 6 weeks. He is teaching me a lot and we have so much fun together. He showed me how to fold my underwear military style haha and whenever I think I've done enough push-ups... My drill sergeant companion is always there to make sure I do an additional 50 haha!

All in all, the mission is awesome and i'm so grateful and happy to be here! I've heard many of my missionary buddies say similar things. If you're not sure whether to serve or not... I can only guarantee that it would only be good for you if you did. 

I love Liberia! I love the work! And I love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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