Monday, October 1, 2018

Elder Chicken Slayer!!

Vegetarian viewer discretion is advised

I went on exchanges with Elder Miller on Friday! He is awesome! Since we were in my area for the day... I was in charge! At first it was strange but it ended up being a successful day and I learned that I knew my area better than I had thought! We did get lost a few times and we had to back track. I remember stating to Elder Miller, "I am lost and I forgot my Liahona."

Elder Miller is a great guy. He kind of reminds me of Shane from The Walking Dead. He grew up on a farm so he's got a fun way of talking and a lot of cool stories. After spending one day with him.... I did something I had never done before. We bought, caught, killed, prepared, and ate a chicken. Elder Miller wanted something crazy for dinner. Personally I thought the food here was crazy enough. He wanted to make a soup that needed chicken. Well after buying and catching the chicken... I asked Elder Miller how he planned on killing it. He told me to hold the chicken's head in your hand tight. Then he said, "Swing up the chicken holding the head and then whip it as hard as you can." I said I would do it if I could wear his cowboy hat in the process. He agreed. Now, I thought that the chicken's neck would just snap but after whipping the chicken I noticed two things. The chicken went flying in front of me but... I was still holding the head. It's a strange feeling to hold the head of something running around frantically in front of you. The dinner was delicious and I will change my name to, Elder Chicken Slayer.

On Saturday, President and Sister Graham came for a special devotional. Pres Graham is the Temple President for the Accra Ghana temple. He taught at the Provo MTC for over 30 years. President Graham was Elder Neil L. Anderson's teacher in the MTC. He is just awesome and he spoke to the members about the importance of temples. He told all of them to try everything they could to get to the temple. Regardless of the sacrifice. After being in that meeting I feel even more grateful to have 2 temples so close to my home in Meridian. I really encourage everyone to understand the blessings of the nearby temples and attend them regularly. So many people here sacrifice so much to get to the nearest temple so far away. I'm also grateful for General Conference. I never realized how much of a blessing it is to watch and listen to the prophet speak to us live! Sadly, due to my location, we will only be able to view one session of conference and that's a large maybe. This kinda sucks haha but we will get the church magazine in a month or two! I'm told this conference will be insane! President Nelson doesn't mess around! I testify that he is a true prophet and every time I hear his voice I receive that personal confirmation. Liberia temple?... My fingers are crossed!

I don't have a whole lot to say this week but I love you all and hope everything is good in America!

Sincerely, Elder Chicken Slayer

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