Thursday, October 25, 2018

Elder Batman

Dear family and friends,

When Ebola was bad in Africa it was especially bad in Liberia. In fact... Bushrod Island (My area) had it worst. This being said, bat hunting probably wasn't the smartest idea Elder Miller and I had. Personally, flying rats don't scare me so when a bat flew into the house... I was very determined to catch it! We were able to get it into a room where Elder Miller and I attempted to wack it out of the air. President Clark probably wouldn't have approved but I wanted to be able to say I caught an African Ebola bat. Eventually, I was able to hit it to the ground where it died an honorable death. It remains there today to remind us of our stellar accomplishment. (I'm totally kidding haha we threw it outside)

We had zone conference this week where President and Sister Clark shared amazing and motivating messages. I love them so much and I always look forward to seeing them. At ZC, I was able to meet the newest senior couple, Elder and Sister Kimball. Elder Kimball's grandpa is Spencer W Kimball's cousin! They are from Utah and have previously served in Liberia multiple times. They are so kind and I already love them so much! 

The other day I went on exchanges with Elder Hinson from Meridian. He is about to go home soon. The man is a machine!!! Usually, missionaries get lazy and trunky near the end of the mission but this is not the case for Elder Hinson! He is a great guy and it was great to spend time with him. We taught many lessons and I learned a lot from him. Great missionary and a great example to me.

This last week was my last week of training!!! I'm officially a missionary! I'm grateful for my trainer Elder James and i'm going to miss him so much! It's anticipated that he will be leaving to another area next week. Once he leaves, I'm left to keep my area up and going! It sounds nerve racking but thanks to my experiences on exchanges... I should be alright!

Our area is legit! Many investigators are simply waiting on marriage licenses so they can me baptized. Unfortunately, they are expensive so we just need to be patient and continue praying for them. 

The mission is DOPE! I'm enjoying every sweaty moment! I love hearing about my friends on missions and my friends preparing for missions. I'm excited for them to experience the wonderful experiences of a missionary! 

I love you all! Thanks for the kind emails and prayers! They are always appreciated!

Sincerely, Elder Batman

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