Monday, September 17, 2018

Baptisms and cockroaches!!

Well I've been here in Liberia for over a month but I can't seem to get used to the giant cockroaches that walk around the floor like they own they place. They are absolutely horrifying! Whenever they are seen, Elder James, Johnson, and I always jump, scream, and grab our machetes! Meanwhile, Elder Tamfumo fearlessly picks up the monsters and carries them outside. I still hesitate getting into bed after being woken up one night by a cockroach crawling on my arm. Ah! They are the worst! 

On Saturday morning I had the great privilege of baptizing Brother Masaque!. I'm so happy for Brother Masaque and his decision to be baptized and become a member of the true church. The baptismal service was beautiful! There were a total of 5 baptisms. I was the baptist for 2 of them. Truly an amazing experience for me and everyone involved! Elder Tamfumo gave an outstanding improvised talk about the importance of baptism. Something that stood out to me was when he stated that Satan and his followers will try their hardest to get us to look back on the bad things that we have promised God we would turn away from. He said we need to consistently exercise our faith in Christ. If we fail to do that then our faith will decrease quickly. That comment reminded me of an analogy I had heard a while back that I've been using in my lessons. Faith is like a bicycle. The faster you peddle... The faster the bike will go. If you stop peddling... The bike will fall. We need to consistently exercise our faith or we will surely lose it.

I really appreciated everything Elder Tamfumo preached. I recently went on exchanges with him! He is from the DRC and speaks French and English. Elder Tamfumo taught seminary for 4 years and attended many years of institute. It seems he can answer any question I have about the scriptures! He is a great guy and the only one in our apartment that isn't scared of the bugs.
We got really big news from President Clark! Elder Johnson left early this morning to another area where he will be a Zone leader. Elder Tamfumo will proselyte with me and my companion while he waits for the new elder that he will be training. He should get here around Wednesday. Our district is expanding from 3 companionships to 4! Elder Hinson and Fifita will remain as my Zone leaders but the new district leader is my companion! Which means I will be going on exchanges once a week! New people and places! Pretty exciting!

As for my investigators... They are awesome! Zwana continues to be a great investigator! He frequently calls us with questions about the Book of Mormon! He has memorized every principle of every lesson! He could tell us stories in the Book of Mormon as if he had studied them his whole life! He occasionally comes with us to teach other people. Whenever someone walks by during a lesson... Zwana will enthusiastically urge them to join in on the lecture! The other day we were teaching a multitude of interested people thanks to Zwana's determination to invite others! Ah he is such a great kid! I'm excited to see where his faith takes him!

My people, I love Liberia! I love the work! I love you all! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PS: I'm happy to here Elder Packer and Christensen are doing good! They have been in my prayers! I love to hear about the activity my ward just did! Sounds like fun! I'm sure Brother Packer played a perfect Joseph Smith hahah! They share a lot in common. Both great men I look up to!

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