Monday, September 10, 2018

Another Great Week!!

I'm glad so many of you enjoy my emails! thank you! As many of you know... Someone's mission should be a spiritual benefit for themselves and the many people they teach. I'm not sure however that some of you know and understand that part of a missionary's duty is to write home in a way that spiritually benefits the readers. this is why it makes me so sad to hear some Elders say they don't care to write home. So many of my family and friends have helped me get where I am today. I feel like the least I could do is spread the blessings of a mission by sharing my many great experiences! Plus... I love writing and while many kindly say I do it with a talent... I simply do it with the love for the readers! As much as I love to make you laugh and giggle... It is important I share my testimony strengthening experiences. If I fail to do that... I am not reporting home the way I should be. With that being said...

We've had a very sunny and dry week until just the other day. after a night and morning of heavy rainfall, the grounds were once again flooded. We had previously planned to meet with an investigator named Rachel. (Not her real name). I had never met Rachel because her house is a 50 minute walk through the jungle. After walking a bit we discovered the path to her house was completely flooded with a waist high body of rain water. In my head I thought, "Well I guess we won't be seeing Rachel today." I then looked at my companion who was already removing his boots and socks. Elder James inspired me and put a smile on my face. I followed his great example of a true dedicated missionary and together... We went for a literal swim to Rachel's house. For behold, the field is white and ready to harvest so grab your swimsuit and sickle and get to work! (Disclaimer: Not the real scripture) We usually get weird looks because of our skin color and nice clothes but this time... The looks were priceless!

I'm glad we went for that swim because the lesson with Rachel was unforgettable. She had a difficult question to a serious problem and she needed our help. After inquiring of the Lord through sincere prayer... We let the Lord speak to us by opening to a random page in the Book of Mormon. Elder James and I already had strong testimonies about the power of the Book of Mormon but I had never before witnessed the power come as quickly as it did for Rachel! This faithful lady literally found a perfect and profound answer to her prayers instantly. This experience spiritually strengthened me, my companion, Rachel, and I hope you! The power of the Book of Mormon is real my people!
Experiences like this happens DAILY on a mission! That is why i'm so excited for my friends receiving their calls and leaving for their various missions!

My companion and I have so many amazing investigators! I will have my first baptism on Saturday! I'll try to send pictures. Zwana and his friends understand the lessons and love the many stories in the Book of Mormon! Angel and her friends love when my companion and I visit to teach. It's truly such a wonderful sight to see all these people grow in faith and understanding of the true Gospel!
Thank you guys so much for your loving emails! I might not have time to reply... but I promise I love them all and I love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PS: I caught a lizard!:)

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