Monday, March 9, 2020

The Tree Must Also Be Good

If I asked any Christian... "Would the devil write a book about the Savior Jesus Christ which testifies about His atonement and true doctrine?" They would say no. That being said.. why would anyone say the Book of Mormon is of the devil when it clearly testifies of Jesus Christ and His Atonement? It simply doesn't make sense for him (the devil) to destroy his own plan of bringing us further from the Savior's redeeming love, power and truth. Here's my observation...

I'm excited to hear that many of my family and friends are joining me on the Book of Mormon challenge! In preparation for conference.. I've decided to read/listen to the entire Book of Mormon before March ends. I'm already finished with Mosiah😊 I've been reading it during personal studies and I listen to it whenever I iron, bathe, cook, get dressed, and get ready for bed! I'm so busy I doubt it would be possible for me to READ it in one month😂

This exercise has really been greater than I expected! I've been identifying those important things contained in the record that Joseph Smith wouldn't be able to simply make up. I just finished Mosiah this morning and I'm already SHOCKED that people can read the record and say the book is of the devil when it very clearly comes from God.

1 Nephi contains stories which encourage the reader to be obedient and faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ.

The 2nd book of Nephi and the book of Jacob is full of testimonies and prophecies about the Savior's redeeming power and much more.

The book of Enos teaches a man to pray for forgiveness and guidance. We know that the Spirit of the Lord teaches a man to pray and that the devil teaches a man not to pray. Hmm... Why would the Book of Mormon teach us to pray if it comes from the devil?

Now don't even get me started on the powerful book of Mosiah! Is it bad to have favorite books? Cuz mine is definitely Mosiah! It contains such wise words from King Benjamin about loving and serving one another, being chaste and diligent, and also more prophecies of Jesus Christ! It also contains much prophecies of the Savior from Abinidi who sealed his testimony with his blood. I also love the awesome stories about how the wise Gideon helped Limhi's people escape the Lamanites! Alma and his son's conversion stories teach of true repentance and change of heart. My favorite part in this book is when both Limhi and Alma's people are led by the Lord to find the land of Zarahemla and meet Kind Mosiah after much tribulations! How happy that day must have been.

Considering all these things.. and many more I haven't even mentioned... Who can read this book prayerfully and not see that it comes from God? Who can read it and honestly and claim it comes from the devil when it clearly teaches and testifies of Christ. The Savior said it Himself, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.... by their fruits ye shall know them."

You cannot call the fruit good and the tree bad. Meaning if the teachings of the Book of Mormon teaches good, true, and holy things... Then the tree from which it came from (the Book of Mormon) must also be good, true, and holy. And if the Book of Mormon is true then Joseph Smith (the man who translated it by the power of God) must've been a prophet of God and the church he restored must be God's kingdom upon the earth because that is exactly what Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon teaches.

I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church being led by the Savior Jesus Christ full of His power, authority, and Gospel. I know this because I have tasted the goodness of the fruit of the tree and I know it is good. I know the Book of Mormon is truly the word of God and therefore I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior and that Joseph Smith is His chosen prophet of the restoration. 

**Drops mic**

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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