Monday, March 2, 2020

Pizza Hut, President Price, and Preparing for Conference

Dear family and friends,

Zone conference this week was really good! I was able to see my MTC companion, Elder Foday Kamara from Sierra Leone! I also got to see all my Liberia buddies and even President and Sister Price! They spoke to all the missionaries at the conference about the conditions in Liberia. I was so happy my companion was finally able to see really how cool MY president is. They also pulled aside the Liberia missionaries to answer some of our questions. President has been working hard calling church leaders in Liberia and preparing the way for our return. He says hopefully in a month we will all be back in Liberia🤞 Poor President and his wife are living in the Ghana MTC😂 I asked him, "What happens if July comes, and I only have 3 weeks left on mission, and we are then called back to Liberia... will I have to finish here in Ghana?" Without hesitation he replied, "I'm not staying in the MTC until July."

At the conference, President Sanders pulled me aside asking if I was enjoying my area. I told him I was doing fine and that I love my companion. He replied, "Well that's great but don't get too comfortable. I've got a new assignment for you." He then asked me if I'd be willing to go to a refugee camp full of thousands of Liberians here in Ghana. I happily and gratefully accepted such an amazing assignment! It is anticipated that in a few weeks, (assuming we are still here) Elders Fullmer, Pluim, Bates, and I will go labor together in this camp speaking Kalokwa! (Never thought I'd miss Kalokwa)
Until then, I'm here in Adeiso and loving it!

To better prepare for this upcoming General Conference, I've decided to read the entire Book of Mormon this month during my personal studies. I'll also listen to it while cooking, bathing, and preparing for the day. I hope to seriously consider how IMPOSSIBLE it would have been for anyone to simply make up such a marvelous book (that never contradicts the Bible or itself) with only a 3rd grade education and a short amount of time. I believe this prayerful exercise will give me an even stronger testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith's divine role. I will also ask myself (while reading/listening) the same question President Russell M. Nelson has urged each of us to consider a couple years ago... "What would your life be like without the Book of Mormon?" Anyone who wants to join me in this challenge and exercise is welcome! I know it will better prepare each of us for General Conference next month!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PS: They legit have a Pizza Hut in Accra and for a split second I thought I was in America...or heaven. I guess it's the same thing right?!

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