Monday, March 16, 2020

The Hope of Repentance

Dear family and friends,

This week was a busy one so I'll try to summarize the best I can.

On Tuesday, Elder Pluim and I had to travel into Accra for our Non-citizen cards which we had applied for when we first arrived. We went with one Elder Kamara from Sierra Leone who also needed his Non-citizen card because he had recently been permanently re-assigned to the Ghana Accra West mission. I felt bad for him but I also re assured him that Western Africa is MUCH more fruitful than any Southern Africa mission (He was originally called to Botswana). As sad as I am to be away from Liberia... I'm so lucky to be in West Africa.

We decided to meet with Elder and Sister Fry (Liberia senior couple) at the church area office and they kindly treated us with Burger King! Afterwards, we all went to the Accra Temple with President and Sister Price.

It had been almost 20 whole months since I and Elder Pluim had visited the temple. If we had gone a day later, (like we originally planned) then the COVID19 would've interrupted the opportunity. Here is a small portion of my words that night from my journal...

"We entered the temple this afternoon and did an endowment session which was my first time in almost 20 months! It was such a beautiful powerful experience to be able to go with my brother Elder Pluim, my beloved mission president and his wife, and also a beloved senior couple. This is a forever memory that wouldn't have happened if we were still in Liberia... So that's a positive right? There was a lot of folks from a neighboring French country who were going through the temple for the first time. It was wonderful to see these beautiful African people dressed in spotless white in the temple. I can only imagine what faith it must've taken for them to not only travel to the nearest temple but also to become a temple worthy people. I absolutely love the African people and have gained such a profound respect for their faith. I pray I'll never take for granted the blessing and privilege of the Meridian temple 5 minutes from my home."

I hope the recent temporary changes concerning the temples will cause us to take the blessings and privileges of constant nearby operating temples more seriously. It wasn't until I came to Liberia when I realized how incredibly lucky I was to have a beautiful temple just 5 minutes from my house and another 20 minutes away. These African people sacrifice so much to visit the nearest temple which is often outside their own country. Perhaps their profound example of faith will encourage us to do better just as the faith of the Lamanites caused the Nephite's faith to grow (HELAMAN 6:1-5).

I have received my transfer news! I am going to Budumbrum (Liberian refugee camp) with Elder Pluim! We leave tomorrow! My new companion will be Elder Engwendu from Uganda. As excited as I am to fulfill this assignment, rumor has it Liberia's government is doing better so we may go back very soon! Of course... COVID19 may interrupt that opportunity.

This week I have been spiritually edified from the Book of Mormon and I have come to the conclusion that Alma is one of the most powerful servants in the Lord's hand. My favorite story perhaps in all scripture is when Alma prays unto the Lord for strength to conquer Amlici (ALMA 2:29-31). We tend to think of prophets as old bearded men with ancient records walking around and preaching but here we have Alma literally fighting with a mighty man who is likely more trained for war. By the power of God, Alma defeated Amlici and his army. Alma also put himself in the hands of danger for the cause of preaching the word of God to the Lamanites. He worked hard all his days bringing people closer to God. Alma baptized many and strengthened the church of God. Alma, by his prophetic seer-ship, also aided Captain Moroni with the knowledge of the plans of the Lamanites. Alma raised his sons in righteousness and taught them to follow him. Alma kept an important record of his people as commanded by King Mosiah. It is even supposed that this great leader, missionary, disciple, and prophet of God was taken up and translated by the Lord.

With all of these amazing and honorable memories of Alma the younger listed and many more not mentioned, I have purposefully saved the best for last. After reading and knowing all these things about this powerful man, anyone would be shocked to know he was once a very wicked man. Even a man who wished to destroy the church of God. Yet, after sincere repentance which included heartfelt regret and painful Godly sorrow, this man became one of Zarahemla's strongest, faithful believers and a prophet of God. 

This story of Alma helps me understand that the Lord truly meant what He said when He stated, "Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more." (D&C 58:42) Alma went from seeking to destroy the church of God to seeking for souls to bring unto God. The Lord used Alma for many years as His prophet and revelator. Alma's repentance experience shows that God will not give up on us and that He knows our true potential. We are likely not going to be called as the Lord's prophet and we will likely not have to fight with the sword for God but... we do have a divine purpose and potential and like Alma, we can truly repent of our sins and influence the kingdom of God for good. May we all follow Alma's profound example of faith, repentance, and endurance.

The Book of Mormon is a powerful book. It teaches that the Savior Jesus Christ suffered the Atonement for us. Each time I start a lesson with a new person I ask who Jesus Christ is in their life. They always answer, "He is my Savior." I then reply, "What has He saved you from?" They usually don't have a response. The Book of Mormon teaches and testifies that Jesus Christ literally atoned for the sins of ALL mankind and that man can put off the natural man and become a saint through the Atonement of Christ (MOSIAH 3:19). In other words, no natural man is justified to continue in sin because the Savior lovingly provided a way for men to repent, change, become new, clean, and also forgiven (ALMA 7:11-13). 
A quote I read this week that might as well be scripture,

"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending." -C.S. LEWIS

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger 

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