Monday, April 15, 2019


Dear family and friends,

Mixed feelings about this week... On Tuesday we met with our recent convert who is a widow with 3 little children. As we lectured, she talked about how hard it is for her to be able to pay for her children's schooling. She works all day only to receive enough money to provide for her children the next day. Listening to her share her struggles really made my companion and I feel bad about the situations a lot of people in this country are forced to deal with. Later that week we saw her on the road and she was very upset... When I asked what was wrong she told me that a fire had burnt down her home just a couple hours after we left. All her belongings were lost in the fire. Her and her kids were staying at a local's home. She showed us the area where she and her kids were sleeping and it was nothing but rough concrete, and a pillow. She lost her phone in the fire so she couldn't call me or any other member. We were able to calm her down and get her to meet with Bishop for help. I got approval from my President to donate some mission mattress that weren't being used. I pray the Ward will do everything they can to come together and help this family. I know this Sister will be able to overcome this trial and become stronger because of it. The only thing she saved was a triple combination Book of Mormon that we gave her after her baptism as a gift. She chose to save her Bible over her expensive phone or her children's expensive school uniforms.... She has her priorities straight.

On top of all this, my good friend, who is a Bishop in Liberia recently lost his wife while she was giving birth to their baby leaving him with 3 children to care for. This country really isn't an easy place and this last week surely reminded me of that fact. I know that the Lord has great things in store for these people as they continue to move forward with faith during the hardest of times. I'll be praying for these kind families and I won't forget the examples they've set as faithful members of the Church.

On a more positive note... We attended a baptism on Saturday for Elder Jensen and Elder Bonou's candidate and it went very well!! Her name is Doris and I actually gave them the referral! Last week we were going to do a double baptism but since we didn't have a residing Stake member... We were only able to do my candidate, Nathan. Since Elder Jensen and his companion helped us with the service last week... I promised him I'd get my district to attend and help with their service. It was amazing and super powerful! I gave a talk about the Holy Ghost and Elder Bonsou baptized. We all went to get Ice cream afterwards and it was a perfect way to say farewell to the awesome Zone I was able to be apart of:)

I'm going to miss my favorite companion, Elder Roundy. Together we not only made a good companionship but we made a good friendship. He's a great missionary and if I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of my people now that I'm gone. I will also miss my friend Elder Aspuria. He's the best missionary here and will do great things for the mission.

Transfers came and... I'm in Kakata!!! We found out I was leaving on Wednesday when Elder Roundy was called to train. I was so upset because I didn't want to ever leave my people here in Paynesville!! On Friday we went in town for his trainer training and that night, I got the call that I'd be transferred deep in the bush! I'm companions with Elder Eaton from Utah. He's such a cool guy and I can tell we will have a great time together. He got to Liberia in September with Elder Packer. I'm living with my dope Zone leaders, Elder Montenegro and Elder Dube!!! Elder Dube from Zimbabwe was in my last zone and he is such a good guy. He told me he will teach me his native language! It's literally just clicking tongue and making weird noises... I will try:) Elder and Sister BAird, the senior couple living in Kakata picked me up and drove me and Elder Dube to our apartment. They only live a few minutes away from us. Our apartment isn't bad. I mean it's definitely not as good as my last apartment but I've lived without AC before.... I can do it again.

I will miss Paynesville and all my people there. Pinky and Cherish have become like sisters to me and I will forever be grateful for everything they do for the missionaries. It was very hard saying goodbye to them. They wanted my President's number so they could call him and beg him to reconsider.... I was tempted to give it to them haha! We all cried together as I said farewell. They even had me sing to them which was very special. They're my family and I love them so much!! I will also miss my friend Brother Jeremy and Brother Melvin. Both of them are preparing to serve missions and Jeremy was recently called as the young men's 2nd counselor!! Its always great when your converts get callings in the ward:) I will miss all my people!!! Ahhh this is so hard!!! My goal is to make similar relationships with the people here in Kakata. Let's do this!:)

I love and miss you all! Its very difficult to email here since its in the bush but I'll try my best to send pictures. 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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