Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Another Awesome Week!!!

Dear family and friends, 

This week was awesome! A lot happened but I don't want to make this too long so I'll summarize the best I can:)

On Monday, we had the best zone activity at a beach resort called Tropicana. I will definitely come to Tropicana again when I return to Liberia after my mission. The place is beautiful! Surprisingly, it didn't cost any money to hangout there. I guess the Lebanese assume they'll make enough profit from their expensive alcohol. We had a great time with beach volleyball, hammocking, singing, and sea shell hunting! Elder Booher, Jensen, Astle and I got carried away and ended up getting soaked from wave jumping! Overall, it was literally the best zone activity:)

One of our recent converts had me draw a diagram of a plant cell, animal cell, and a microscope for her college project haha! When I asked her to give us work... I wasn't expecting homework haha!

On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Packer from Utah. I think the peak of the day was when we visited one of Elder Packer's investigators who had 8 very fun, and energetic kids. When we turned the corner to this man's home... All his kids, plus more started yelling and running towards us! They were jumping up on us and feeling our strange white skin haha it was the best! Then they all started begging to feel my hair so I (generously) knelt down and all these little black hands began playing with my hair haha! It was the sweetest thing. I bet they'd love my afro. I know I did. #legandsneverdie #Itllcomeback

We were there to give him a lesson about prayer. We taught him about the importance of prayer and since he was clearly a family man... I told him that one of the best ways to invite the Spirit in a Gospel centered home is through family prayer. We then invited him to always have a family prayer at least once a day. The lesson was really good! The family was so sweet and I hope to see them again soon. Elder Packer and I taught a lot of great lessons and I learned a lot from him and his profound missionary example. He has become a brother to me and I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had to get to know him these past transfers and hopefully more.

About 3 weeks ago, Elder Booher and I had a lady named Edith come up to us at church and say, "I want to be baptized." We were happy to help her out and teach her about the Gospel!

On Saturday 23rd, we held a combined baptismal service for Edith and our other investigator named Jeremy! Along with 6 other candidates for the other Elders in the zone! Elder Booher, Elder Jensen, and Brother Bayou were the baptists. It was a beautiful service and I'm so excited for my friends who have made the decision to be baptized! We confirmed the following morning and gave Jeremy the Aaronic Priesthood. 

Elder Booher and I have been blessed to have 11 total baptisms together in just 2 transfers! I know numbers aren't important but it's always very rewarding and motivating to see how much our hard work impacted the area. I'm grateful for the great companionship I've had with Elder Booher and I'm going to miss him when he leaves. It is expected he will be leaving next transfer because he has been in this area for a long time. I'm excited to continue the work in the Duport Road area with my next companion, whoever it may be. We will find out this week!

The work is going great! I love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

Tropicana, Interviews, Baptism, Homework, My new monkeys, A drawing I drew for Elder Aspuria (The Filipino Spiderman)

Monday, February 18, 2019

Liberia Mission Report!

Dear family and friends,

In my area, Investigators become members quickly so my companion and I are constantly trying to find new people to teach. I kinda get sad when investigators move on because I love teaching them so much and I don't ever want to stop. At the same time... The thought of thousands of people waiting for me to meet and teach them makes me anxious and excited to hop out the door! I hope i'll always have companions who feel the same way.

Unfortunately, a couple of our investigators are simply waiting for marriage licenses so they can be baptized. Its not a big problem... Just requires a little patience. I'm very proud of them because they seem to be doing everything they can to gain the funds needed.

Recently, we've been teaching Sister Decontee's family! They love the message and accept it all very well! Decontee is super interested in serving a mission so we have been answering a lot of her questions. I do have to say... After hearing her teach and testify with us, I have no doubt that she will someday be an outstanding missionary:)

Our area is doing great! 2 scheduled baptisms for the 23rd and many more to follow as we continue the work in this amazing country of Liberia! It's truly a privilege to be here serving the Lord.

I am very excited and surprised about the recent changes concerning communication between missionaries and their families. Personally, I have no doubt that this change will improve the work and that it's revelation from God. In my eyes, My dad and my brother are two of the best return missionaries I know and I've often asked myself what they'd do in various difficult mission situations I face. Now, I feel very blessed that I'll soon be allowed to give them a call whenever I need encouraging and positive advice. I am very curious how the Church will do this for my specific mission. Our President is still trying to work out a way for this to work but as for now... The change doesn't apply to the Liberia mission. Haha we don't even get the new handbooks, PMG's, and planners!  It's a bummer for sure but it's all part of the sacrifice of serving in Liberia! All I know is that if i get the chance to call my folks.. I'll take it:)

I love you all! Thanks for the constant love and support! 

Love, Elder Hallenberger

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another Successful Baptism

Dear Family and friends, 

This week has been insane from start to finish! On Monday, we spent the entire day trying to catch a car to carry us from in town to Paynesville. We had gone to the mission office to quickly upload pictures, pick up mail, and buy some study books for our recent converts. Little did we know, this simple errand would end up consuming our whole P-day! By the time we finally got a car, it was almost dark. The drive from Monrovia to Paynesville is about an hour and a half...  If you're lucky. We weren't too lucky. The ride home was long and sketchy!  I can clearly see why President wants us indoors before dark. The streets of Liberia is not the place to be at night. Fortunately, President allowed us to email and shop the following day.

The center focus for this week was to further prepare our 5 investigators for their baptism on Saturday. My Zone leader, Elder Erickson came to my area with me for an exchange. He interviewed and passed all the candidates and we we even got to have an amazing lesson with Pinky and Cherish! Elder Erickson is from Utah and he's been on mission for a year. He's a powerful man and an example to me and so many others!

Our lesson with Pinky and Cherish was easily one of the most spiritual lessons I've ever experienced! Elder Erickson said the same thing!  As I taught, the Spirit completely took over and had me say things that my immature mind would never know how to explain! We had stopped by to minister and follow up. I wanted to know how they were doing since their baptism. We then taught them about all the many things they can do to make keeping commandments easier! I said that even the little things can make a major difference in our lives. I mainly encouraged them to find good friends who share the same standards as they do. I told them, "You'll slowly become like those you spend the most time with. Always be sure to spend your time with good people."

In my closing testimony, I let them both know that I cared about them and wanted nothing but the best for them. I recall something special that Elder Erickson told them as he testified after me. He said, "Elder Hallenberger has 3 sisters back home. I can really tell that he talks to you with the same brotherly love he has for them." His comment nearly made me cry because it's very true! They've become family and I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye to them and everyone else I teach.

My time in Liberia is not long at all and my time here in Paynesville is even shorter so I'm trying everything in my power to ensure that those I love will remain strong in the Gospel when I'm gone. I have faith that will be the case:)

The baptism on Saturday the 9th went very well!  Between 3 companionships, we had a total of 9 candidates! 5 of which were our own. Elder Packer and I were privileged to be the baptists for the service! One of the candidates only had one leg so Elder Packer baptized while I stood in the font supporting the man. It was such a unique and special experience.

My younger candidate named Richmond, was extremely scared of the water. Every time I would try to put him under, he'd panic and resist! After a couple failed attempts, I tried to comfort Richmond by assuring him that I was his friend and I'd never allow him to drown. After that, I was able to baptize him without any struggle. His younger brother, Delorish was even more terrified of the water! Except, this little boy had a history of making things super difficult and he was a lot smaller so I didn't hesitate throwing him under haha!

All in all, the service was amazing! My companion and I confirmed the following morning. I am so happy for my friends who have decided to be baptized and we are excited to continue helping them grow in the Gospel!

There's still plenty to do here! Almost all of our investigators have baptismal dates and we are receiving referrals left, right, and center! Elder Booher and I always keep busy and we are having a ton of fun serving together! The mission is awesome and I'm developing a greater love for the people and the work each and everyday I'm here!

Love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Converting Families

Dear family and friends, 

The only thing better than converting individuals is converting families!  Because our recent converts are so awesome and understand the importance of missionary work...  They've invited a lot of their loved ones to hear the Gospel! It doesn't surprise me...  This message is a message of hope and happiness! Why wouldn't you want to share it with those you love? I may not have fully understood this when I came but it's definitely the reason I'm here now.  It really reminds me of Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life.  After Lehi tasted the sweetness of the fruit...  He immediately invited his family to do likewise.  This is the case for so many of our recent converts! 

Brother Farley has invited us to teach his two nieces and Sister Fannie invited us to teach her two little boys! After meeting with them daily after school, they've happily accepted to be baptized on the 9th of February! 

Our ward mission leader,  Brother Bayou invited us to teach his little 17 year old brother named Jeremy.  He is excited about the Gospel and wants to be a missionary like his two older brothers who served in Ghana and Sierra Leone. He accepted to be baptized on the 23rd of February! 

Sisters Pinky and Cherish have also been helping  us bring families into the Gospel! They've been helping us teach their niece about the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. It's been amazing and I'm excited to keep working with them! 

I am always careful when it comes to inviting others to be baptized.  It's a serious and special covenant and I want to be extra sure my recent converts have a strong foundation that will help them endure to the end.  I can't think of a better foundation than that of a Gospel centered family and home. This being said, I feel so excited and happy for my many recent converts who understand the importance of families. After all, it is central to the Creator's plan:) 

Our area is doing very well!! We have 5 planned baptisms for the 9th of February and many more for the 23rd! (Likely the majority of our current investigators) Including Dave, a referral from two Sisters from the visitor center in Hawaii! We've only been able to meet with him on Sundays after service because of his busy work schedule. Elder Booher and I have been keeping in touch with the awesome Sisters in Hawaii who have been reading the Book of Mormon with Dave every other night. They were very happy to hear that he will be baptized on the 23rd! There's absolutely no question that the work is going forward. There's no question that a mission is special and it's changing my life. 

On Saturday, I was able to go on exchange with Elder Aspuria from the Philippines!  We had a great day of teaching and we learned a lot from each other. He's only in his 2nd transfer of training but I honestly feel like he's been doing this for years! Powerful missionary! We also saw a monkey with a blonde mustache and a woman breast feeding on a moving motorbike. Both very shocking and only found in Liberia!

On Sunday, we were pleased to meet Brothers Jones and Chris from Idaho! They are here for the African Heartwood Project(AHP)! They are helping the orphanages in Liberia by creating ways for them to receive water. They arrived just the other day but they've been here many times in the past. Brother Jones bore an amazing testimony about the Gospel! He also shared that his son recently entered his mission papers and will soon be leaving. When I thanked him for sharing such a powerful testimony, I could feel the Spirit strongly when he thanked me for my service as a missionary. I could tell that the Gospel and the spirit of Africa has effected his life the way I can see it currently effecting mine.

Africa is amazing! The Gospel is even better! Thanks for all the love and support! I love you all!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenerger

1.) We crashed a wedding outside our apartment. Nobody knew who we were but they wanted pics with us haha! 
2.) We got bikes!
3.) My new Spiderman shirt!
4.) Zone Conference 

God Bless The Rains Down In Africa!

I have waited until Sunday to post this message because Sunday is a sacred day and this message will include many miracles:) Just this la...