Monday, November 12, 2018

Dentists, Dog Attacks, And Missionary Work

Dear family and friends,

I'll start this email by sharing my experience on exchanges with my new zone leader Elder Pollmann from Utah. He had already heard about my comedic personality because he was previously in Elder Hamel and Johnson's apartment. Elder Pollmann and I instantly became good friends and I wish to be half the missionary he is! (Alma 48:17) I've never met a more humble and kind missionary. I'm excited to get to know him better and also build from his profound example.

I'm pleased to say that a member in our ward gave us a referral for a family of 8! We have taught them a few times and they are super interested and attentive! I wouldn't be surprised if the Spirit directs us to extend a baptismal invite this week! Speaking of baptism... Sister Oretta's baptism was rescheduled for Saturday the 17th! I'll keep you updated on that! 

The reason I emailed on Tuesday last week was because on P-day, my companion needed to see the dentist. I was privileged to spend most the day with the Kimball's. Elder Kimball told me a lot about the war here in Liberia. It's sad because this country is still recovering from the aftermath and will be for some time. Elder and Sister Kimball are such great people who have given so much to serve here in West Africa. I feel so lucky I am able to do the work with them.

I guess I should share the short story about the dog... Elder Miller and I were walking to a meeting with our companions behind us when a large and angry dog charged at us. My first instinct was to (Please don't get mad) wack the dog with my umbrella just as he was about to bite my leg. The dog retreated... I guess he's not a fan of umbrellas:)

Elder Tamfumo called me last night and said he had 45 new investigators attend sacrament meeting!!!! Ahh!!! 45!!! They are on fire! He said, "I pray President sends you here because I miss you and the apartment has been way too quiet."  I miss him too and I also wish to go to Bonga! 45 investigators!!! 

Love you all! Thanks for your kind words and prayers! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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