Monday, November 26, 2018

Religious Salesman

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was great! It was also Elder Pollmann's birthday on Thursday so we had cake at district meeting. I also made the best french fries ever created. Thanksgiving was dope:)

I also let Pollmann cut my hair. On Monday, I found some sweet dark purple slacks on the street that caught my eye.

I feel like Professor Plum from the Clue board game when I wear them but I don't care haha! #Dress2impress

This time last year I was a Christmas tree salesman. Personally, I felt I was pretty good at selling trees. I'd approach the customers with a kind greeting and a joke. Since the lot was on the water park parking lot, I always thought it was funny to ask them if they were there for a tree or for the water slide. (It was at night and the end of November.) I always thought being a missionary would be like being some sort of religious salesman. Now that i'm here, I realize its very different. Yes, its good to know a joke or two and sure, its good to be a people person but, it's not safe to treat sharing the Gospel as if you were convincing someone to buy a product. My area has so many recent converts who haven't gone to church for a very long time. It's for that reason, i'm extra careful when I decide to extend a baptismal invite. Thanks to our friendly neighborhood Bishop, it's not difficult finding investigators a friend in the ward to keep them around and active. Most of the time, Bishop Tugbeh is that friend to the investigators! Just the other day we saw Bishop playing chess outside with one of our investigators! While missionaries come and go... Members stay put so it's only smart to use them as additional support. 

We're finding a lot of positive progression with this new family of 8 we have been teaching. Especially with the children who are no younger than 12 and no older than 19. One day before a lesson, they asked me what my first name was. I said Elder but they didn't believe me and insisted I told them my first name. I said, "You can have my first name if you can guess my age." Everyone guessed somewhere around 23, 25, 28, and yes even 30. Once I told them I had just turned 18 in April... They were shocked! One of them said, "Wow, you guys grow big in China!" It was then I realized I hadn't told them where I was from haha! It didn't surprise me... Every time I go outside I hear kids chant, "China man!" or, "Chingchong-Bingbong!" I don't mind it haha.... It's pretty funny:)

This is my report! Hope things are good at home!

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PS: Finally killed the rat that has been living in the apartment longer than I have. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Pioneering in Africa

I'm excited to say that after 6 years of investigation the church, Sister Orietta was baptized on Saturday morning! Brother Paul, a return missionary who had previously taught her, performed the baptism for her! The service was beautiful! Bishop Tugbeh asked me to speak on the importance of baptism. I didn't have anything prepared but I was able to deliver a small improvised message about what I knew to be true. The baptism was a success and I'm excited for my friend and her decision to follow the Savior's divine example. 

On Sunday morning we viewed a special broadcast from Salt Lake! All the stakes in West Africa gathered in their stake centers and received council and words of encouragement from Joy D. Jones, Stephen W. Owen, Gary E. Stevenson, and President Henry B. Eyring.  They each gave amazing talks concerning the church in West Africa. Elder Owen stated that while the saints in America are far into the Pioneer Era.... Africa has only just begun. He stated that most the members in Africa are the only in their various families. Which makes them pioneers. Obviously, Pioneer Era will never be over but, it's very special to me to be serving in an area where the Pioneering has just started. 

Elder Owen also shared an amazing story about a man named Orson Spencer and his wife Katherine. They both wanted to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but, Katherine's parents didn't approve. They said if she were to join the Church.... She and Orson would no longer be welcome in the family. Nevertheless... They were both baptized and later had 5 children. Orson and Katherine planned to meet the rest of the Saints in Nauvoo. Unfortunately, Katherine got very ill and wasn't able to begin trek. They didn't have a lot of money and they lacked medical care. Orson wrote to Katherine's parents begging them to take his wife in and care for her. Their reply stated that they'd only care for their daughter if she left her husband Orson and the church. When Orson gave this letter to his sick wife, she gave him the following scripture:"Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God" (Ruth1:16) Katherine passed away shortly after and endured faithful till the end. Orson Spencer and his 5 motherless children later joined the Saints in Zion. I love this story so much because it relates to so many Pioneer Saints in Africa who remain so strong and faithful even during trialing times. 

Sorry, not a whole lot of exciting or funny events this week. We did take a bus to the devotional and that was pretty exciting! They had Elder Miller and I sit at the back which made me laugh haha!

Love you guys and your inspiring words of encouragement! Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving! I'm not sure what i'll do on Thursday... Probably nothing special because Thanksgiving and Christmas doesn't exist here:/ 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

PS: This spider was found right by my bed this morning... Bravo Liberia... Bravo.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Dentists, Dog Attacks, And Missionary Work

Dear family and friends,

I'll start this email by sharing my experience on exchanges with my new zone leader Elder Pollmann from Utah. He had already heard about my comedic personality because he was previously in Elder Hamel and Johnson's apartment. Elder Pollmann and I instantly became good friends and I wish to be half the missionary he is! (Alma 48:17) I've never met a more humble and kind missionary. I'm excited to get to know him better and also build from his profound example.

I'm pleased to say that a member in our ward gave us a referral for a family of 8! We have taught them a few times and they are super interested and attentive! I wouldn't be surprised if the Spirit directs us to extend a baptismal invite this week! Speaking of baptism... Sister Oretta's baptism was rescheduled for Saturday the 17th! I'll keep you updated on that! 

The reason I emailed on Tuesday last week was because on P-day, my companion needed to see the dentist. I was privileged to spend most the day with the Kimball's. Elder Kimball told me a lot about the war here in Liberia. It's sad because this country is still recovering from the aftermath and will be for some time. Elder and Sister Kimball are such great people who have given so much to serve here in West Africa. I feel so lucky I am able to do the work with them.

I guess I should share the short story about the dog... Elder Miller and I were walking to a meeting with our companions behind us when a large and angry dog charged at us. My first instinct was to (Please don't get mad) wack the dog with my umbrella just as he was about to bite my leg. The dog retreated... I guess he's not a fan of umbrellas:)

Elder Tamfumo called me last night and said he had 45 new investigators attend sacrament meeting!!!! Ahh!!! 45!!! They are on fire! He said, "I pray President sends you here because I miss you and the apartment has been way too quiet."  I miss him too and I also wish to go to Bonga! 45 investigators!!! 

Love you all! Thanks for your kind words and prayers! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Missionary? Or English teacher?

Bonjour la famille et amis,

My new companion, Elder Dea is awesome! He has been here for about a year so his preaching skills are outstanding! I asked if he could teach me French and he asked if I could teach him how to write in English. Now... I'm not the smartest person but, I thought it would be fun to teach someone what I knew! So during his English study, I began to teach him how to write in English. Only problem was I had absolutely no idea where to start! So I just had him write a paragraph about his girlfriend haha! He wrote things like, fine hair, fine smile, and fine eyes. I could tell that he needed help with adjectives. I taught him about other words like, beautiful, pretty, cute, gorgeous, and attractive. He then asked if there were other words like fine and I said, "Yes but not for missionaries!"

This man isn't just teaching me French. He's also teaching me how to cook Ivory Coast meals. The man can cook! He made us breakfast one morning and I took one bite and said, "You will make your wife very happy."

It's pretty handy having a French companion! One of our investigators, Sister Garcia, only speaks very little English. This being said, Elder James and I have had a difficult time teaching her. The other day we went over there and for a whole hour... Elder Dea and Sister Garcia talked in French! I was just awkwardly in the middle haha! I would say it was a good lecture but as far as I know... The could've been talking about soccer the entire time

Elder Miller's new companion, Elder Izedonmwen from Nigeria is also a great guy and I'm excited to get to know him better this transfer. 

We had stake conference on Saturday and Sunday where we heard from the hilarious Elder Isaac K Morrison. He was just called last April as an area seventy. He used to be a stake president in Ghana. He was teaching us about ministering with love. He also answered our questions concerning the recent changes of the church in January. Elder Morrison frequently warned us about creating our own church haha! He said, "If I hear a new member say he doesn't know what a temple recommend is... I'll know we've created another church!" Haha he was so funny and i'm glad I got to meet and hear from him! I'm pretty excited because President Clark said he wouldn't be surprised if this man gives a General conference talk soon!

Ahh! I can't believe it's November!!! On the 1st I realized, "Wow yesterday was Halloween and I didn't even notice!" I guess that's what happens when you lose yourself in the work and in another continent that doesn't know what Halloween is!

It's definitely still summer here! My family and friends are putting on coats while I'm putting on more sunscreen!

Love you all! hanks for your kind words and prayers! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

God Bless The Rains Down In Africa!

I have waited until Sunday to post this message because Sunday is a sacred day and this message will include many miracles:) Just this la...