Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Long Walks and Wheelchair Basketball

Dear Family and Friends,

Today my companion and I are wearing our Lakers jerseys to honor the legend Kobe Bryant.

While on a recent exchange I was able to finally meet a referral President had given me about a month ago. His name is Linus, the founder and president of the LNWBA(Liberia National Wheelchair Basketball Association). Linus is a very kind and wise man who is determined to follow his lifelong dream of establishing a wheelchair basketball team here in Liberia! Linus came to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in hopes to find people willing to donate wheelchairs, basketballs and funding. He found something much greater than wheelchairs that day....

After meeting with our mission president about the Restored Church and the Book of Mormon, Linus was eager to receive a phone call from the missionaries. President contacted me and I contacted Linus who honestly couldn't have been more excited to hear from me! He didn't live in my area so I passed him to the Elders who do. When I was one exchange with Elder Egan last week, we visited Linus' home and taught a lesson from the book of Mormon. I let him know that although I never followed sports, I have a father who is a die hard Lakers fan. Instantly he lit up with a big smile and said, "I love the Lakers!" He then listed all of his favorite players which happened to be my dad's favorites such as Magic Johnson and Kobe Bryant. I told him that he and my dad would get along well. Linus is the one who informed me of the Black Mamba's death saying, "Your father and I are bereaved today."

Linus has a crippled leg which causes him more deeply feel for others who also love the game but sadly can't play. He is working hard to start the LNWBA and I pray it works out for him. His dedication to follow a dream will surely bless the lives of many.

My companion and I had a cool experience this last week when we visited the home of 3 young brothers who had attended church for the past 2 Sundays. Our ward mission leader drove us on his bike down a LONG dirt path in the middle of hundreds of beautiful palm trees where we had to park the bike and walk for about an hour down a massive field of... Africa. Elder Gababoi was worried about running into Lions and Rhinos because where he comes from, "it's suicide to take a hike in a field far from the road." It was so spectacular! (I got plenty video on a GOPRO that I'll post when I return) We had been walking for so long that we came to the conclusion that we had made a wrong turn because it seemed like nobody could possibly live so far in the bush. Just as we were about to turn around, we saw 3 boys in the field yelling for our attention. As we walked further, we found a small house where the boys live with their grandma and uncle.

We sat down and began to study about the nature of God. They came to understand that Heavenly Father has a body of flesh and bone and the Son also. We taught that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit are 3 separate beings but 1 in purpose. Afterwards, we explained that Jesus Christ not only made it possible through His Atonement for us to return to Heaven but He also showed us how. This direction is called His doctrine or gospel. By applying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our personal lives and our homes, we can experience a more enduring happiness and sense of peace. These things we taught and when we concluded, the grandma began to say something along the lines of, "I've been trying to find a church that does not request money to worship or study but I never could find one. Very recently, I prayed asking for revelation and now here you are! You walked a long distance just to simply teach my grandchildren and you haven't even asked for a drink of water!" I could tell this woman noticed the difference from the Church of Christ as compared to the churches of man. We are excited to continue teaching these young boys who will someday become missionaries and also their grandma who surely received an answer to her prayers. The long hot walks always seem to have the most rewarding outcomes:)

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

Monday, January 13, 2020

Hebrews 13:1

Dear family and friends,

I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season! Sorry I haven't been able to write... The country is facing a lot of problems with the government. For the past 2 preparation days, large protests have caused us to stay inside for safety precautions. We will continue praying for the country in hopes another 10 year civil war does not break out again.

We are facing a large issue in our branch. People seem to think the members of the Church are perfect but the truth is that while the Church is perfect... the members are far from it. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is for those who are working towards perfection. Too many members have arguments with other members and then ask themselves, "How could this church be true if this person is in it?"

The other day while visiting a members home, we were saddened to hear that the family had completely left the church and rejoined their other church. All this because an argument between two relief society sisters couldn't be resolved. These members have the potential to be a strong addition to the church! They kept explaining to us how the members are giving them a hard time but I asked them, "Do you follow Christ or man? Were you baptized in the name of Christ or of man?" If we put all our faith in a mortal, we will surely be disappointed because we mortals are imperfect! But if we put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, we will never find disappointment. I reminded them that everyone makes mistakes and we are all trying to become better...together. This being said we need to help one another which includes forgiving others for their wrongdoings. I hope this family figures out what is best for them.

I remember one disagreement I had with one of my best friends on mission. Unfortunately, it got pretty heated and we were about to call it a night and go to bed angry without the Spirit. I remember laying in bed not knowing what to think because just that morning we were friends but it seemed like we were now... enemies. I began to realize how ridiculous the argument was and that it wasn't worth losing a friend and the Spirit. Just as I thought this, my friend humbly came into the room. "I don't know why I am mad but I'd rather not be." He said, "Sorry." Haha we ended up hugging it out like men and the Spirit was able to come back! He was the bigger person in the story and I learned from his example. Contention is truly of the devil and if we realize that we as disciples of Jesus Christ are all in it together... there shouldn't be anything but love in our hearts for one another.

On mission there has been missionaries who I have wanted to punch in the face but instead I sucked it up, forgave, and forgot. There has even been missionaries who caused me to feel embarrassed to wear the same tag that they wear! But I realized how my tag says, "Elder Hallenberger" and "Jesus Christ" and nobody else. I represent my family, the church, and the Savior which is all that matters. What other missionaries say and do doesn't make the work any less divine. Likewise, when a member irritates another member, it doesn't justify the annoyed member to assume the church must not be true. I wish members could understand this fact because the contention in the branch has caused our activity to drop dramatically.

Jesus said love everyone. The greatest commandment is to Love God and His children. If we do our part and forgive others, we will feel peace and joy in our lives because we are truly spreading the light of Christ.

-Elder Hallenberger

God Bless The Rains Down In Africa!

I have waited until Sunday to post this message because Sunday is a sacred day and this message will include many miracles:) Just this la...