Friday, November 29, 2019

I Love My Mom!

At this special time of the year we love to give thanks and recognize the many blessings in our lives. In Liberia and all of Africa, Thanksgiving is not a popular holiday. Infact, Elder Wolfe and I were the only people in our district who knew about the holiday! I cooked my district a nice Liberian soup for district council held on Thanksgiving morning. Then we all read selected scriptures about the importance of giving thanks to God for the blessings we receive from Him. Finally, to close the council, I had all the members take turns listing 3 things they are thankful for. This activity was a lot more spiritual than I thought it would be! Some people talked about the Savior and His divine role. Others talked about the prophet Joseph Smith and the church he restored to the earth. A lot of the Africans shared their gratitude for the missionaries who brought the Gospel to their families not long ago. I decided to share my gratitude for my wonderful parents. Especially my mother:)

I find it convenient that my mom's birthday this year happens to be the day after Thanksgiving. I am so grateful for my mom who has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. If I have ever done anything good or honorable it is simply because my mom was right there supporting me every step of the way. Anyone I have ever brought or will bring the Gospel to should thank my mother. She has taught me the things I need to know to become who I am today. I thank her for every word of advice, every act of love and kindness, every kiss on the cheek, every ride to school, every birthday party, and yes of course every whack on the butt with a wooden spoon because it truly has built my character. She has spent many nights helping me understand math even though I just wanted to go to bed. She was so patient.

Perhaps an embarrassing story will show how wonderful, patient, and kind my mother is. While waiting for senior year to begin, the opportunity arose for me to audition for my favorite musical Sweeney Todd at BSU. Since my car was being repaired, I asked my mom if she could take time out of her Saturday and drive me in town to audition and wait for me to be finished. Of course... she agreed (She always supported my love for theater). We woke up early in the morning to arrive by 7am. I went inside and looked all around for any sign of auditions but I found none. After almost 20 minutes, I found the director and asked him where auditions were and he informed me that it was at 7 in the evening not in the morning. I had embarrassingly misread the email, I had work that evening, and it was the last day of auditions! None of this bothered my mind because I was too worried about what my mom would think of me. When I told her the truth... she didn't seem even a little upset or disappointed! She just smiled and drove me home. She even bought me breakfast:) If I were in that musical, it would have delayed my mission and I may not have been called to Liberia so that was a blessing. I will never forget this funny morning where my mom showed once again how loving and patient she is. I love my mom and I wish her a happy birthday. I miss you more than you miss my long hair:)

Before leaving on my mission the things that filled my head was nonsense about Youtube, video games, girlfriends, and fun times with the bros. But now that I've been on a mission for 16 months engaged in the work... the Lord has carved my concerns and thoughts down to what matters most. The Gospel and my family. I am so grateful to not only be born into a Gospel centered home but also to have parents who love each other and desire happiness for their children. In Liberia, it's hard to find these things and that's why the missionaries are here!... We are here to teach the people how much greater life can be when we put down the nasty ways of the world and pick up charity, chastity, and integrity. I am eternally grateful that I can testify that these things are true.

I love you all! Thanks for your love and support!

Love, Elder Hallenberger

Monday, November 11, 2019

Goodbye Kakata!

Dear family and friends,

I will miss my home in Kakata! For the past 7 and a half months I have been in that area with 3 different companions! Together we have worked hard and we have been blessed to meet, teach, and baptize a total of 30 brothers and sisters! I love them and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to bring them into the gospel.

On Saturday, Sister Abigail was baptized and confirmed the following morning. How happy I am for her choice to follow Christ's example! She will be a wonderful addition to the Relief Society. I was invited to bear my testimony that day and I thanked the congregation for being so helpful and loving! They are truly my family and I will miss them. Afterwards, my recent convert, Zack was ordained to the office of an Elder and was called to serve as the district clerk. He will also do great things in his calling. I am now leaving the area in the hands of my son Elder Dabi who I know will keep it strong. I will also miss him and I am grateful for him.

Before I left, one of the branch sisters (who I have referred to as my Liberian grandma) invited me to come and kill one of her pigs. We have been previously helping her raise the pigs on her farm and as a kind way of saying goodbye, she requested that I come and slit one of the bigger pig's throat for a special fairwell dinner. I'll leave the story there because
I know (from experience) you guys are sensitive:) #RIPMitch

About a month ago, President interviewed me in hopes to figure out where the Lord wants me to serve my 4th area. My wish was to serve in Paynesville again with my friend Elder Wolfe again. Well as luck would have it... I have been assigned to Boystown Paynesville to serve with Elder Gababoi from Botswona. I am living with Elder Wolfe and his new companion, Elder Ikechuku from Nigeria. I am happy to be here and excited to start working!

Elder Hallenberger

God Bless The Rains Down In Africa!

I have waited until Sunday to post this message because Sunday is a sacred day and this message will include many miracles:) Just this la...