Monday, June 17, 2019

A Big Report!

Dear family and friends,

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last report. Here is what has been happening....
It's truly amazing how much the Gospel has grown in Liberia! At zone conference, President Clark informed us that the number of bushinaries has nearly quadruped in just 1 year! As much as I miss my 1st two areas... I'm proud to be a bushinary:)

This was President and Sister Clark's last zone conference and the last time I'll see them will be for interviews on the 20th and then they will leave on the 28th and I will meet my new President on Sunday the 30th. I have a lot to say about this last zone conference but I'll try and simplify the best I can.... Before we got all spiritual, President Clark informed us that on the 7th of June, nobody was allowed to leave their apartments. Liberia's economy is very weak and protests were scheduled for the 7th. President wisely took precautions and gave us direct instruction on emergency situations including an immediate country evacuation plan. For many years, Liberia unfortunately has been a war zone and just 5 years ago, in our very mission, the Ebola virus caused all the missionaries to abort and be re-assigned. Could you imagine??? I would be so devastated if I had to immediately leave my people who I'll likely never see again. Not only that but all my mission buddies would be serving somewhere else and the mission we love so much would be dissolved:( I pray everyday that this will never happen again and that the Gospel I'm sharing will keep this country healthy and peaceful. Please pray for Liberia with me. It's an incredible country full of wonderful people.

President and Sister Clark gave us some great inspired instruction. Sister Clark stated that the best advice she could leave with us it to love God, the Lord, the inspiration of the Spirit, the prophets, and our family and friends. President Clark also gave us a lot of good advice and he really wanted us to know that he loves us. I am so grateful for their service and I feel very blessed to have had President Clark as my mission president. I'm really going to miss him but I also know that President Price was called of God to come replace him.

We treated the shelter-in-place day like a holiday!! The Monday before, we all paid a driver to take us in town so we could buy some ground beef and sliced cheese for burgers. I made sure to stop at ELWA in Paynesville and visit my dear beloved sisters, Pinky and Cherish. We ate casava leaf(my favorite soup), we took bluffing(beautiful) pictures), and had a flexing(great) time:)We were so happy to see each other and reunite after a long 7 weeks apart! I love an miss them everyday. Being and Paynesville made me all nostalgic. I also found something that is more precious and rare than a diamond.... Cherry Dr. Pepper! We flexed(enjoyed) on the 7th! No small thing:) We also made plans to make burgers and fried pickles on the 4th of July. (Just because we aren't in America... doesn't mean we can't celebrate the independence of the greatest country on Earth) #GodBlessAmerica

On Saturday and Sunday morning, we had district conference with President Clark and District President Harmon. Saturday's theme was education, a commandment God has given to His children who desire to become like Him. It was very good! We watched a video from the area presidency in Accra Ghana with the directors of BYU Pathway, an affordable online resource for those across the globe who can't go to school in Rexburg and Provo. One of them said something that really stood out to me. "I've been through many years of schooling but nothing has given me more knowledge than my 2 years of missionary service did when I was 19 years old." He then encouraged every worthy and able young men and women to serve a mission promising that it's the best way to start their education.

On Sunday, President Clark shared that almost 2 years ago, he and his wife spent their very first Sunday in Liberia..... In Kakata to open the Kakata District. He then shared his love for the people of Kakata. A large district baptism  will be held on the 22nd. All 8 Elders in Kakata have been preparing many people for that day so it should be a good one! Elder Eaton and I have 4 candidates ready to be baptized and we have been inviting many members to attend so they can welcome the new members warmly. I personally believe that there will be a Kakata stake within the next 2 years and within 10 years.... I pray the people of Liberia will be blessed with a temple so they can easily take part in the ordinances necessary for their Eternal Exaltation. I'll continue to do my part! I am so deeply honored and privileged to be here in Liberia helping the people come closer to the Savior and learn His Gospel. 

The work is sweet! This is my report! Love you all! 

Love, Elder Hallenberger

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