Monday, December 3, 2018

A great report!

Dear friends and family, 

I'm pleased to say that the Johnson family(5) has accepted to be baptized on the 8th of this month! Its been a lot of fun teaching them and i'm excited to see them progress in the Gospel. My recent convert just got a calling in the Sunday school presidency! So exciting! 

On Thursday, we had another zone conference and I got to see Elder Hinson one last time before he returns to the Promised land on the 11th. He gave us words of encouragement and bore and amazing testimony! I'm going to miss that guy! We also heard from President and Sister Clark. They gave us a great instruction and I also got a sweet Ghana tie from them! They told us about the church's "Light the World" program this month. I'm pretty excited to participate because I've got some good ideas! The 1st week is all about finding ways to serve globally. I can't think of a better way to do that then to literally be on another continent! Pretty exciting and i'll keep you updated! 

I don't know for sure but I'm predicting that this is my final week in the Banjor area wit Elder Dea. If so, I will leave early next Monday to my new area. I probably won't have much time to email so I'm not sure if I'll have a group email next week. 

Thanks for all the kind words! Love you all! 

Sincerely, Elder Hallenberger

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